Video Marketing: Examples and Content Types


Know that knowing how to do video marketing is an excellent resource for your marketing campaigns to reach a much larger audience.

It is great for passing on your product information in a much more attractive way, in addition to helping you to develop a super complete marketing strategy so that you can win many more customers.

So in today's article, you'll learn everything about video marketing, what types, and how to do it. And how this strategy can increase your sales. After all, this is what you want right? Increase your sales, so let's learn!

video marketing - como fazer
Video Marketing (Google image)

But why video marketing?

This is a very simple question to answer, it is a strategy to use videos as your main content to advertise your products and services on the internet.

Although videos have been around for many years, only recently has this format become an excellent way to increase awareness of an existing brand, or a new brand.

Recent surveys reveal that out of every 10 people, 6 of them prefer watching videos on the internet over watching TV. And today more than 80% of companies are using visual media as their main online marketing and advertising tool.

Many researchers and leading experts in digital marketing claim that by the year 2022 virtually all internet traffic will be in the form of videos.

For this reason, you should start making videos right away, as this is a great way to promote your business. In addition to being useful for marketing, PUSH-PULL.

Push-pull marketing is nothing more than introducing your brand to people. The objective of which is to reach as many of your target Audience showing your products.

Know that a well-crafted promotional video will help you to strengthen your brand awareness as you will be introducing people to its benefits and features.

Pull marketing means that you must have the essential information when a person wants to buy your product. Potential customers already know your brand, but they need to be more than convinced that they are buying the right brand.

Videos in pull marketing are useful for explaining how to use your products, as well as making comparisons with competing products. This way you can present details that can result in sales.

Nowadays creating videos for marketing purposes has never been easier and cheaper. Just use a smartphone that has a good resolution. Everyone nowadays has the ability to use these strategies in their marketing.

Examples of video marketing content:

We will now show some examples that you can apply in your strategy of content marketing, but don't forget that you need to know who your audience is and thus segment your videos correctly.

Testimonials and case study:

This model will show you the customers you already have giving testimonials that your products and or services really helped them in some way for the better.

Then potential customers will trust a product that has been useful and used by others, and which in turn has delivered convincing results. It is worth remembering that this strategy is not suitable for new companies that have launched their first product or service now.

But on the other hand, the testimonials are very valid for companies that have been around for a longer time, and therefore hope that many more people will purchase their new products.

Demonstration and evaluation of products:

A demo will help your audience a lot to imagine how the product works and what they can expect from it if they buy.

Not to mention that it is the ideal time to praise the quality of the product or service you are selling. It is certainly an excellent strategy.

Tutorials: How To:

A good tutorial will show your audience how your product will work. Try to show them real examples of using it in real life.


Look for experts who will be able to give a much more critical view to the public. So you can use the interview to really show that your service or product has the solution to people's problems.

Participation in events:

When your brand wins a prize by participating in an event, then it's worth using that content in your strategy. Show your viewers the important details and let them know that your product has been recognized many times by other people.

Animated videos:

An animated video is definitely a great way to turn a confusing and complicated explanation into a simple and fun explanation.

Instead of using real people to make the product presentation, just make a simple animated video projecting your idea. That way your viewers understood much more easily. Many companies use animated videos as a strategy and achieve many positive results that way.


The brand video clearly presents the product or service the company is selling. The main goal is to reach as many people as possible by creating brand recognition.

This should be done by publicizing your brand's look and mission, as well as its value, so never stop applying this marketing technique to your business.


Like a blog, a vlog takes a more personal approach to the brand you're marketing. The videos will be able to present personal conceptions of the owner and even of employees about the products. Either way, the capture must be done using sincerity.

For example, if you have a clothing company, then you can create vlogs to show how the clothes are produced. This way your audience can get to know your brand better.

Case studies:

The case study marketing video should make it clear to your customers how your company has solved problems in the past, and how it might do so in the future. Use it to establish your brand spirit to your customers.

And for that, it's important to do research to find out what were the useful solutions for your users, and also the challenges your product faces. Make a good analysis of all of them in order to make your brand grow, and also try to reflect this in the case study videos.


This is a very valuable tip to apply, every time your company is planning to hold a seminar, try to record it, or better yet, broadcast it live if possible.

This will allow for greater interaction, making it possible to answer customer questions and thus achieve greater engagement through their comments.

Integrating videos into the customer walk map:

When producing videos, never forget your potential buyer persona. The persona is nothing more than the representation of how your target audience behaves. What are their goals, and what drives them to buy.

You will get this information from market research that you can find on the web. This will help you focus all of your content so that it suits your audience.

Having more detailed data at hand, you will certainly be able to improve your marketing campaigns and consecutively increase your online sales conversion rate.

Think long term as this will show that videos are not only beneficial for brand revival but will also be beneficial for every step of the customer journey. For this reason, we decided to divide these stages into three parts to show you which type of video you should use in each stage, they are:


The initial step, and the first one of course, is to inform your customers who you are and make your brand stand out. You will need content to convey this information in a simplified and meaningful way.

In this case, the recommendation for you is to make a brand video. Clearly state what your business does and showcase your product's best features as the main focus. Make it as attractive as possible, so people really see what you're offering them.

But if your business is already well established then there is an alternative which is to display a testimonial video. This way you can make your customers value your brand by showing positive words from other users who also trusted your products or services in the past.


In the interest phase, potential customers are already familiar with your brand. So they continued to do research to learn even more about your products, interested in buying them.

At this stage there is a lot of information that people may need. If they want to better understand the positive or negative side about a specific item.

Then you can and should provide them with a video review and demo. This will allow them to assess the quality of the product and decide whether it will meet their requirements.

Several categories can then play a role in the customer's assessment. For example, a video of the event will let them know about the credibility of your brand. And you can also show them a vlog if they want to get to know the company on a more personal level.


Already at this stage, you managed to convert interested parties into real customers with great success. But that doesn't mean you don't need to make videos for them anymore.

Now it's time to focus on how you're going to help your customers use your product properly, thereby solving their problems. Then create a good tutorial video, be it animated or even represented by a real person.

A webnar can be very useful for them too, because that way you can present several tips on how buyers can use what they bought in a much better way, extracting much more benefit from the item they purchased.

Analyzing metrics:

Any and all content produced must be analyzed, for this reason it is extremely important to always carry out continuous measurements. You have an obligation to evaluate everything that was invested to publicize your brand.

Even if you somehow fail to meet all your expectations on your first attempt at implementing video marketing in your business, don't be worried, it's absolutely normal.

Once you've done the analysis and found out what can be done to improve, then you'll probably get a much better result on the second try.

And never forget this, even if your campaign does well the first time, don't settle. Because there are no limits to further improve your business. And you should always try to attract as many people as possible to it.

Of course, there are many metrics that can determine the success of video in your business. One of the simplest ways is to see how many views they've had.

If you have a video with hundreds of thousands of views then it means your content is good and it is going viral on the internet.

Social engagement metrics:

Social engagement can certainly be part of your achievement. Because shares on social media such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, among others, yield comments, which increases the view count.

Click-through rate and conversion rate metrics:

But there are also many other metrics that should be taken into account in your campaigns, such as the click-through rate and the conversion rate. If you have a high click-through rate, this means that your video has indeed managed to invite a lot of people to click on a specific link.

With many more people clicking on your links, the tendency is to increase the chance of conversion rates (which are purchases of your products or services). Which as you already know is the ultimate goal of the campaign.

So if your campaign managed to reach a high number in each of the metrics, it's because your videos have important and useful information and that they were directed to the right audience.


As you've seen, video marketing is an excellent way to publicize your brand, and for this reason it has become the preferred format for the vast majority of internet users. And this is very good, because any person or company can use this type of content.

But never forget, there are many categories of video, and each one of them has its specific use in your marketing strategy, which are:

  • Testimonials and case study: helped to create more confidence;
  • Product demonstration and evaluation: really shows how your product works;
  • How-to tutorials: help new customers with the correct way to use the product;
  • Interview: in addition to creating context for your brand, it also has the power to show people how the product solved their problem;
  • Events: helps to increase the credibility of your company by showing how popular the brand is;
  • Animated videos: makes it easier for customers to understand a process that seems to be complicated;
  • Brand: clearly and objectively shows the company's vision and mission;
  • Vlogs: provide a much more personal approach to your video marketing campaign;
  • Case study: presents all the features of your product or service;
  • Webinars: It's great for showing additional tips to those aware.

And just to recap that each type has different functions that have been divided into three parts in the customer walk, which are:

  1. Information;
  2. Interest;
  3. Conversion.

So when applying everything that was taught to you in this article, you need to evaluate the success rate of your campaign by counting your views. Always see how your social media engagement was, your click-through rate on your links, and your conversion rate.

Now that you know how to make video marketing campaigns, and that they have enormous potential to engage and attract many more customers to your business. What you need to do now is include them in your projects.

And that's it. We have reached the end of yet another content, we hope you enjoyed it, and be sure to put everything into practice, because you will only know the result if you apply it. Thank you very much for staying with us this far, see you later, and success ?