What is Website? What Are the Types and How to Get One?


A website is nothing more than a simple collection of pages or posts on the internet very well organized and also located on a server on the web network. So understand exactly what a site is by imagining it as a residence.

A place where you will be able to gather all your furniture, which is information, divided and organized into rooms, which in turn would be the pages or posts of the same. If you don't know, a web page can talk about several different subjects, and thus be able to make all information available in the form of media content for visitors, always in text, video, audio and other formats.

So if you already know what a great website is, that's very good, and if you still don't know, continue with our brief definition.

site o que e
Websites (Google image)

What is a site?

Many people don't know this, but what we call a website here in Brazil, in the English language it is called a website. And precisely for this reason, we decided to divide our quick explanation into just 2 words, which are: web / site.

So know that WEB means network, because that was the name given to the world wide web. WWW or World Wide Web. Which in turn means place (place).

So we easily understand that a site is a place or place on the network. For you to be able to find this place on the net is another matter. For that we would need to talk about domain, which is simply the online address of the website.


Nowadays there are many different types of websites, which feature different design models, and cater to any and all types of businesses, online or otherwise. Here are the most popular types:


They are more than essential for any type of company or business to maintain a good presence on the internet. Institutional models, online portfolios between others.


You can also create your blog (personal or not) on any topic you want or have more knowledge and affinity. You can create, for example, a recipe blog and even earn money from your blog.

Online stores:

Do you have products to sell there? so how about sell your products on the web? Then create a virtual store from scratch and expose your products for sale. Your online store will be open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, it never closes.

How to have one?

For you to create a website is very simple, you first need to register and purchase the domain, which will be the name of the website (your internet address). And then hire a hosting service (server), and then choose the platform for creating it. That both are simple tasks to be done, even for a beginner.

Domain purchase and registration:

The domain will be your address on the internet, so choose a name that is attractive, easy to remember and remember by people, and that mainly has to do with your business.

Never register and buy a domain that contains hyphens, or characters like accents, this will only leave the user confused and irritated when typing your address in the browser.


Another very important tip, choose a good hosting company, as it is the hosting that will leave your website online. He always has to be online to receive his visitors. And also use a CDN content delivery network.

Not to mention the features and functionality it will provide you with such as a professional email address, an SSL security certificate to keep it safe, daily backups of your database, support and much more. Nowadays there are different types of hosting, everything will depend on your needs and the size of your business on the web.


With the domain duly registered, the hosting contracted, now it's time to choose the platform where you'll want to create the website. Currently there are many, and you are free to choose the one that suits you best.

Our recommendation is that you opt for a Content Management System (CMS). Because they will make your tasks much easier and more agile. So choose only one of the mentioned ok. Follow the platforms:

  • wordpress (most recommended), not to mention that it is the favorite of the vast majority;
  • Drupal;
  • Joomla.


You see, by reading this brief article you learned what a website is, how it works, and what are the most common types. Just recapitulating that it is nothing more than a set of posts or pages containing information (texts, images, videos, audios, etc). Where they are stored, organized and made available by a server.

It can have many different types, with different designs, and serve many different businesses on the internet, it can be a simple personal blog, an institutional page, and even a large or small virtual store.

You will only need a domain name, good hosting, and a platform for creating the project to launch it. And know that the costs to have a website nowadays are very low. And you don't even need programming to have yours. So take advantage and come to the web.

And that's it, we're done here, we hope your question has been clarified. Anything leave a comment for us ok. Big hug and success