Best Tips on How to Generate Traffic to Websites


Do you know how to generate traffic to websites? We don't know if you already have a super website, or if you've thought of a name for your domain. Or even customized your project with a beautiful design and even inserted excellent content.

If you've done all of that, and your traffic and visits reports don't go anywhere. So it's past time to turn the tables and start a change immediately.

That's why we've prepared an article especially for you where we'll reveal simple and efficient tips on how to generate traffic to websites and blogs. And with this attract more visits, more customers and much more sales. So let's go learn!

como gerar trafego para sites e blogs
Drive Traffic To Websites (Google image)

Different types of traffic:

Firstly, it is very important that you know how to differentiate which types of traffic exist. And so you will know the right direction for your business model. The two main types of traffic are:

Organic traffic:

The type of organic traffic refers to the visits that come to your site through search engines, such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Research reveals that approximately 51% of all web site traffic is organic.

This huge percentage makes many website owners dedicate themselves every day to have them as optimized as possible for search engines. After all, who doesn't want to have a profitable and free methodology, right?

But know that generating traffic to websites organically is always investing in the long term. Then get good placements on the first pages of search results is a big fight.

It is very likely that you will spend long months without seeing any results, especially if your company or business model has high competition.

Paid traffic:

Paid traffic is one whose visitors reach your website, blog, or virtual store through sponsored (paid) ads. For example: Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Bing Ads, Instagram Ads, Youtube Ads, among others.

So if you want to get results faster, then opt for paid traffic. So you can create a campaign in just a few minutes and get visitors right away.

Nowadays on the internet there are several types of ads, which in turn offer different target audience options. Simply choose who you want to target based on age, gender, demographics, and more.

To know how to attract visitors aiming to get immediate results seems to be the goose that lays the golden eggs. But be prepared to spend a lot of money on sponsored ads. Paid media costs can leave your pocket empty, especially in niches where competition is high.

Best ways to generate traffic:

Your website doesn't necessarily have to suffer for not having visitors, just prepare yourself and take advantage of our step-by-step guide below to learn how to generate traffic for it on the internet.

Optimize your site for Seo:

Optimize your site using seo techniques it will certainly make it much more suitable for search engines and visitors alike. A well-applied SEO will only bring benefits and help you get better rankings in better positions on search results pages.

A good way to start optimizing is to do a good keyword research for your content, so you will know the search volume and how many people search for it. And so does your competition.

After carrying out the search for words, then it's just a matter of determining which keywords you want to use in your content, and which ones can position you better in the results of organic searches.

Nowadays, Digital Marketing has many tools for you to search for keywords, some paid, others free, such as: Semrush, KWFinder, Google Keyword Planer, Ubersuggest, among others.

Using these tools, which are fundamental for good traffic planning, you will have many metrics. As well as: competition, search volume, and much more.

A tip, try to use a combination of long-tail and short-tail keywords in your content, as this will make your article much richer and increase your chances of getting a better position on Google.

Now that you know which keywords you are going to use in your content, you need to start optimizing it. This optimization technique will be divided into two parts:

OnPage SEO:

The onpage Seo is linked to the internal optimization of the content of your website, when creating content try to focus only on the onpage Seo. Because it has to be excellent before you even want to show it to other people, right? So here are some recommendations for you to apply and improve your onpage even further:

  • Optimize Title Tags: Always try to craft a compelling title with your main keyword in it. And use a maximum of 60 characters so that it appears completely in the search result;
  • Optimize Your Meta Description: The meta description is nothing more than the description of the content of your article. Just like tags, also put your keyword in it to make it clearer to the search engine and to the visitor what your page is about;
  • Optimizing Header Tags: Always try to divide your content by hierarchy. The main header as H1 and the rest of the titles subtitles divide it into H2, H3, H4 up to H6.
  • Optimize Alt Texts In Your Images: It is very important to make a description of your images, as it helps Google robots to better understand what the image is about.

Seo Off Page:

Offpage SEO is all about external optimization, such as any kind of thing you can do to publicize your website such as link building techniques (backlinks), guest posts, social media, among others.

E-mail marketing:

As you've already seen in the previous topic, SEO is certainly an excellent way to expose your website's potential to your customers. But for that, you need to make sure they visit you more than once. For this reason, it is important to frequently interact with your visitors by sending content and promotions via email.

If you want to stay in the memory of your visitors, then keep in touch with them frequently. This way you will encourage him to visit you again.

For you to start a campaign e-mail marketing, then you will need email marketing tools. There are several such as: Aweber, MailChimp, E-Goi, Mautic, ActiveCampaign among others.

Some of them offer free plans to get you started and run your tests. And as your campaigns grow, just upgrade to a paid plan that best suits your needs.

By no means use these tools to flood your subscribers with too many unnecessary emails. Do this cautiously, sending emails once a week or every 15 days with the latest news.

Social media:

Social media platforms are excellent sources for getting traffic, if you know how to use them smartly it won't take long for your website to be discovered.

First, it's always good to make sure your content is easy for people to share. Because people like to share important articles they find on the web with family and friends.

So be sure to apply this technique to get more visits by incorporating a simple free tool that allows people to share your content on social networks.

Always try to leave the social share button on all your blog posts. And make that button very visible to make it even easier for them.

But don't just sit there waiting for other people to share either. You also have to be always active to be able to reach new audiences every time.

For this, every time you post new content on your blog, go and share it on social media. This is more than your duty. It's free, and it's a great way to get traffic.

Here are some recommendations for promoting your content on social media:

  1. Use and abuse visual elements: people like to click on posts that are visually appealing;
  2. Use hashtags: hashtags will make your posts much easier for people to find, as they work as keywords on social media;
  3. Choose the right social network: Social media has different target audiences. Adults use Facebook more, and younger people use Twitter and Instagram more. That's why we recommend doing tests on different social platforms and seeing which one is the best;
  4. Also look for new social networks, they already exist did you know that?


Surely you have come across some videos while doing searches on Google. And most likely they are YouTube videos, as no less than 88% of the videos that appear on the first page of search results are from YouTube.

For this reason, you should also explore this video platform, as it has enormous power in generating traffic. A very simple and straightforward way to get more traffic is to tell your audience to visit your website by explaining some of the advantages they found there.

You can do this in the following way: use short and objective calls as well as (visit my website at and download my newest e-book that teaches memorization techniques for free).

And never leave the description field that is right below the video blank. Insert a call to action there as well inviting people to come visit.


Instagram is the most popular social network of all for ads. And it's also ideal for those with a younger audience, as most of its users are under 35 years old.

I don't know if you know, but this social network belongs to Facebook, and therefore its operation is also similar to Facebook, especially the part of ads.

To run a campaign on Instagram, you have to choose objectives from 3 categories and try to make an irresistible offer for your audience options, such as (gender, age, country, among others).

Try to align these options and choose which one best suits the objectives of your business or company. If you don't do this alignment, you will definitely be burning money with the wrong audience.

Our suggestion is, test the content of your ads as much as you can. As you may already know, Instagram is a social network that prioritizes visuals. For this reason, explore ads that are visually appealing.

Use phrases, short videos and even funny images, explore all the options and create ads that represent your business. Don't forget to use Instagram, it is also a great option to attract visitors to your website.

Facebook ads:

It's already proven that using Facebook Ads to generate traffic is extremely effective. Top social media marketers claim that Facebook is the social network that has the highest positive ROI (return on investment).

Facebook Ads is a cheap traffic source when compared to many others. Their average CPC (cost per click) across all niches is the lowest in the industry. And you are the one who decides your budget in your campaigns.

One of the great secrets of Facebook Ads is to make every penny invested count. So, for this, define well your objectives for your campaigns, which can be: interest, attention and conversion.

  • Interest: reach people interested in your product or service;
  • Attention: draw people's attention to your site in search of information;
  • Conversion: make your visitors buy your product or hire your service.

Using linkedin:

LinkedIn is a social media that has a group of special users, they are talented professionals from all over the world, and who have many skills and qualities. For this reason, LinkedIn is an ideal place to get traffic that is primarily business-focused.

Create a LinkedIn profile and try to make it as complete as possible, from basic requirements such as photo, area of expertise, link to your website, anyway. The more information about your business the better.

Always try to post business-related content on your LinkedIn profile, as this will attract visitors. In addition, in this media you can focus on more targeted audiences.

Always write quality content:

Content is King, so posting content that engages people will keep them coming back to visit you again. This will get your visitors to share your content for you on the internet. Check out some tips and recommendations for writing epic content below:

  1. Do a good keyword research;
  2. Never use very long words and phrases;
  3. Try to write content that is informative;
  4. Insert whenever you can stock images and videos in your articles;
  5. Always create an attractive call to action, for when the searcher sees wanting to click on your link in the search results.

When we're talking about write quality content, practice is the secret. Over time you will learn to write better copy and get more traffic.

Have a responsive website:

These days 52% of all internet traffic comes from mobile devices. Simply for that reason your website has to be compatible with any mobile device (laptops, smartphones and tablets).

If the visitor has a less-than-pleasant experience while visiting your site using a mobile device, they will most likely never come back, and you will miss out on a lot of traffic. You must be wondering now: but what kind of website is considered adaptable to mobile devices?

It's simple to answer your question, it's the responsive, that is, the one that automatically adjusts itself to whatever the size of the device's screen. So users can navigate through it without having to zoom in and out. This will make navigation more pleasant for the visitor.

Not to mention that a responsive website ranks better in search engines. So, even if you produce very high quality content, your project will suffer because it is not mobile responsive.

Analyze outdated content:

Of course, you should always insert new content in order to attract new visitors. But you should also look into editing your existing content, as this is another way to get traffic. All websites are crawled by search engine robots frequently looking for new content.

So every time you update an existing text you will be informing the robot telling it to perform the tracking again. So search engines will notice this update and will again reorganize and re-rank your page based on your update. If you want faster results, try updating content.

Most likely they have already received a good Serp ranking before, so an update will keep them relevant and likely have a better chance of getting a better ranking.

Use Google Analytics data to find your most popular content to update it. The important thing is to update with a focus on quality, and not simply update for the sake of doing it. Below we have made a small list of tips for updating your content:

  • Correct spelling and typing errors;
  • Try to add new images (if possible images in Webp format), videos or infographics;
  • Fix broken links if any;
  • Also add new links to other articles or to other sites;
  • Update very old data, such as information from search results whose numbers are already different today.

A good update only tends to improve, so don't wait to apply it to your projects.

Create internal links:

Many website owners focus only on external links (backlinks – linkbuilding) and completely forget to create a good internal link between their contents. This is an unacceptable practice to the point of embarrassment, as both are extremely important for traffic generation.

Google uses internal links for the purpose of determining page value. So if there is a good amount of links to a page, then Google tends to consider it more important, positioning it better.

Is this explanation clear to you that internal linking is important? And for that reason, every time you create or even update content, never forget to link internally to relevant articles.

In addition, the internal links helped keep your visitors on your site for much longer, consuming your content, which is great. By offering internal links to relevant content, visitors won't leave your site to search for the information they need from competitors. And we can't forget to mention that internal links will also lower your bounce rate.

Make use of a CDN to speed up your site:

It is not new that Google wants a better browsing experience for your users, for this reason its speed will also impact on better ranking. Improving the speed is fundamental, because that way you will also get a lot more hits.

A simple and ideal way to boost speed is to use a CDN (Content Delivery Network). It is a group of servers that are located in several countries around the world.

Then, when a visitor requests a visit to your site, the closest server will respond by sending the static content. As a result of this, the loading time is much faster due to less distance between the user and the server.

Many CDN providers are paid, but luckily you can use Cloudflare, which in addition to offering excellent free plans works perfectly well.

To use Cloudflare, just create a free account, confirm your email in the link that will be sent to you, add your domain and update the nameserves (name servers). After doing this, just wait for the propagation time and that's it, your CDN is already configured.

Influencer Marketing:

Many social networking platforms have changed the way people search for what they need. They, in turn, are looking for influencers or specialists in Influencer Marketing. Using influencer marketing correctly, this can bring a lot of visits.

Make a good selection of influencers that you want to work with. Make contact with them personally via phone or email, and ask them to advertise your products or services in exchange for commissions.

This is a great way to advertise your services or products without having to invest a lot. Because many influencers like to receive gifts as a form of payment for their service.

Sponsor channels on YouTube:

Sponsoring YouTube channels is also an influencer marketing format, as mentioned in the topic above. It's very simple to understand how it works. You will pay video makers to make a video for you in the following format:

100% sponsored video:

Video marketing has to be all about your products or services. The main subject of the video is your product or service, at no point in the video can you escape this context.

A sponsored quote:

This is already another type of video with a different format. It's a video where channel owners will talk about their products or services somewhere in the video.

The main subject of the video, in turn, will not be your products or services, but the YouTuber who owns the channel will speak and explain details of the product and its importance.

Of course, the value of sponsored videos can vary from YouTuber to YouTuber. The amount of the channel's audience will dictate the value, so the bigger the channel, the higher the price will also be.

Some channels already work otherwise, they already have a price per video, while others charge prices for their views. If you choose to use this method of generating traffic, consider channel size and view rates.


Logically, whoever has a website wants to have visitors on it, right? However many people think that the only way to achieve this is to spend a lot of money. And they forget that there are many free strategies that work perfectly well if applied correctly.

But in turn, there are also paid forms of disclosure that also work very well if applied in the right way.

In this article today we show you free and paid ways to generate traffic to your websites and blogs. So let's quickly recap a few ways you can generate traffic:

Generate traffic for free:

  • Improve your SEO;
  • Share your content on social networks;
  • Create a YouTube channel and make your own videos;
  • Update your content that you already have;
  • Use LinkedIn.
  • Have a responsive website;
  • Improve speed.

Generating traffic to websites on a paid basis:

  • Make sponsored ads on Instagram;
  • Seek to partner with influencers;
  • Promote on Facebook Ads Google Ads;
  • Sponsor channels on YouTube.

We have reached the end of another article where the subject discussed today was “how to generate traffic to websites”. We hope you enjoyed it, now it's up to you, practice and the results will definitely show up. See you later and success?