How to Improve User Experience on Websites?


If you are looking to learn how to improve user experience on websites, then know that your choice is great. It is already more than proven that sites that offer better usability for their visitors are better seen by search engines.

You will be able to apply this knowledge to your own websites and also to client projects, thus ensuring that visitors always have excellent satisfaction while they are browsing.

So let's learn from our guide how to improve the experience of visitors on websites?

como melhorar a experiencia dos visitantes no site
Improve User Experience on Websites (Google Image)

What is the user experience?

The UX that comes from English (User Experience UX) is a more than essential point in the design of any web site, always aiming to improve the experience that any visitor has when browsing any site.

UX, if you didn't know, is a process that aims to increase visitor satisfaction, always seeking to improve accessibility, usability and efficiency of user interaction with web pages.

UX is very important, and that is why it is important to know how to improve it on websites, blogs and virtual stores, or in any online project, making navigation even better for your visitors.

How important is it?

Know that the user experience is one of the main and most important elements of your brand. In addition to ensuring the satisfaction of the people who are already part of its customer base, it will also contribute to the customer base growing even more.

Improving experience and usability:

Now that you know what it is, and you also know its importance for any online project, check out the best ways to improve your visitors' experience on your pages:

Website Speed:

If you intend to offer a great experience, then know right away that the speed of the site is essential, it is already proven that visitors who have bad experiences with slow sites do not come back.

Nothing is more frustrating for your visitors than having to wait for a page to load, because in the end they won't wait and will definitely abandon the site and go to another one.

So our tip is to have a fast website using a lightweight theme and an excellent hosting provider, preferably a Vps type. And be sure to check out how the speed of your websites.

Use a CDN network:

Always try to use a content delivery network (CDN) in your online projects, we recommend Cloudflare. All servers in the large network of data centers spread across the world will make a copy of your website.

If your site is hosted on a server in the United States as is the vast majority, and if it is accessed by a user who is in São Paulo, it will load much faster.

Quality images and videos:

Always try to use high quality images and good videos to be able to capture the attention of visitors once and for all, images make people get involved much easier. Thus leaving your site much more human.

Yes, you can use the images from Google Images knowing how to search correctly, and use and abuse the free image banks that are available on the web.

If you are a WordPress CMS user, try to use the latest generation images, also known as Webp images, in addition to being much lighter, they have more quality and will certainly help to improve the experience of users when visiting your site.

Responsive website:

From the year 2014 to the present day, mobile devices have already surpassed traditional computers, becoming practically one of the most preferred devices for everyone to access the internet.

And know that this is a trend that will only increase more and more, so to offer excellent usability you need have a responsive website. It has to work on any device and on any screen size, regardless of whether it's a notebook, a tablet or a smartphone.


Another tip on how to improve your sites is to be as clear and objective as possible in all the proposals on the site, as it will be accessed by many different people, with different ideas and cultures, where it is very difficult to predict their behavior and feelings.

But being clear and quite objective, you can be sure that it is the best way to make all your visitors understand your true proposal.

Leave the complexity out:

Did you know that very complex sites with more complex forms are still responsible for preventing a better conversion rate on any site. So leave the complexity aside so you don't alienate your users.

Quality content:

Many strategies and methods to attract and also organic positioning techniques in search engines, provided by digital marketing in recent years play a very important role in improving any website.

Mainly content marketing, which can help you with some of the main pillars of UX, which are complicity, and also to create more credibility and provide proximity.

For this reason, offering high-quality content to your readers will make them feel important to your brand, in addition to feeling much more satisfied.

Ask and interview your users:

Nothing better for you to start learning how to improve your web sites by asking and interviewing them directly. Create a simple form with important questions. Their answers are very valuable and will help you understand what they really want.

Measure emotions and use catchy words:

If you want to go beyond technique and functionality, then try to develop actions that are intended to make the visitor's experience more human by trying to evoke their feelings.

Here you can and should use the good practices of UX Writing, which will help you not only with the organization of the content, but will also guide the visitor and promote its interactivity.

Know that UX writing can involve inserting words and messages into small fragments of text, which in turn can connect users by evoking their feelings.

Blank spaces:

A lot of people don't believe this, but white spaces on the website are essential to promote better usability for users, these white spaces help to separate and also to define topics and subjects of the web site.

Gone are the days when banners were floating around, links kept opening for visitors all the time, so the cleaner and cleaner the site is, the better.

How does visitor experience influence your metrics?

The user experience being optimized and used in the right way will surely improve your metrics and thus you will be able to significantly increase your website traffic.

Just the simple fact that you offer a better experience will also reduce investments in search of better results. Therefore, the experience of your visitors can influence your metrics in the following ways:

  • Increased conversions by visitors;
  • User session time growth;
  • Decreased bounce rate.

The visitor's experience is a more than essential point and one that must be taken into account when optimizing all the results of your website. Because the better the visitor's experience, the more time he will spend on the site. Thus increasing your conversion rates while your bounce rate just goes down, which is great.


Just saw how to improve the user experience on websites, it's not that difficult, just apply everything you've learned in our brief guide that will surely reap good results.

Make your visitors happy by offering them excellent usability when they visit your website. In addition to gaining more recognition for your brand, it will improve your conversion rates and the permanence of visitors on the site.

In short, providing a great experience will only strengthen your online presence. So that's it, that's it, we hope to have helped with this content, big hug, until next time and much success?