Learn How to Publish First Post on WordPress Blog


So now that you've bought your domain (name of your blog) you've already hired a good website hosting company. You've also installed WordPress and customized its layout, it's time to learn how to publish your first post on your WordPress blog.


But where does that question come from? And now what am I going to write? How to write the article? But who will read? What subject should I write to publish? But will people like it? Rest assured, you're not the first person to go through this and you won't be the last. That's why we're here to help you with whatever you need.


We recommend that you carefully follow the tips in this article that you will learn how to post your first post on your WordPress blog in a simple, practical and pleasant way. Prepared? So let's go!

como postar o primeiro post no blog

Be always you:

Obviously you've read hundreds of blogs on the internet, haven't you? So of course you're supposed to have the same readership they already have. You like the kind of language that blogger uses, you like the way he writes his posts and the way he treats his readers.


However, as much as you are an admirer of other blogs and writers, never copy it, but have it as an inspiration to post on the blog. These giant blogs that exist on the internet also started and yours will start too. That's why it's important to keep in mind that no blog bombs the web overnight, that doesn't exist.


And they remain extremely loyal to their audience until today, always using the same language and way of interacting with their readers. So try your best to always be yourself when writing, always try to define a type of language to communicate with your readers and with this, little by little, your visitors will surely recognize the identity and face of your blog.


Knowing your reader when posting:

Have you already defined who you will write for? Is it for entrepreneurs, companies, is it for young people or adults, male or female audience? This is the first thing you need and must do before your first post, define your target audience. Because that way you will be able to adjust the speech and the arrival of the subjects that you will post on your blog.


Always try to follow the same pattern since when you make publications, that way you will show affinity and a line that your reader will easily understand what is the objective of your blog.


Always post relevant content on the blog:

What's the use of having a beautiful and wonderful blog and bad content? So when publishing about a certain subject, for example: what are the best rock bands of the 80s. So do a good research beforehand and look for reviews, positives and negatives about the subject before writing.


Another very important point, before to write about the desired subject, whatever it may be, try to delve into the subject so as not to publish anything worthless on your blog. Demonstrate that you understand the subject.


Look for good information:

Always look for good, quality information when writing about any subject. Always search for valuable information to pass on to your readers and visitors, this will make all the difference.


You must have heard and read around many times “content is King” so it is true. Your blog visitors and your audience expect it.


Seo: is of utmost importance:

When posting the first article immediately start the good seo practices, that is, if you want to be well positioned on the first page and in the first positions of searches in search engines like Google. By doing this right from the start you will achieve more relevance and over time your website or blog will be found more easily in searches.


Use keywords, there are several keyword planners available, including free ones like Ubersuggest, use tags, internal and external linking (Seo onpage and Seo off page).


Sharing your content with other bloggers:

Try your best to be friends with your friends who are also bloggers. Share and comment on content from other bloggers. A good network work will always help you to become better known and thus publicize your blog more.


Invite friends who are already experts in certain subjects to post on your blog, and of course you can and should do this on other bloggers' blogs as well.



As you already know, all content posted on a blog logically has a beginning, a middle and an end, just as you learned in your school or in the movies you watch.


So always try to write this way, so your content will never be confusing. The reader needs to know about the topic, understand the topic, and, if plausible, pass on what he learned from you to other people.


Publish good images and videos:

Using good images and also videos is certainly a way to make the reader even more interested in your content. Not to mention that good images and good videos left your article (post) with a lighter air. Since a good image or a good video can exemplify and even add important information to the reader.


Our recommendation is that you search for images in free image banks and also in google image search, which is excellent and is full of news.


Reading aloud:

It is extremely important before publishing to do a good proofreading, because of course it is normal to have some grammar and even typing errors that can make your content lose reliability.


That's why our recommendation is that you read the text you just wrote aloud. Try to observe during the reading if what you wrote is making sense, and is understandable for the readers. And our recommendation is that you do this with all your posts from now on and not just the 1st ok.


Track the blog post after publication:

The function of publishing an article on the blog goes far beyond simply posting. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor it closely. Keep an eye on the comments of the post and also on social networks such as Facebook, Instagram and other media you use to publish your content.


Stay active and always try to say hello to your audience, this will only make them even more loyal to your page and blog.


Publishing your first blog post:

When entering your admin panel of your WordPress blog, right on the left sidebar there is a tab called Posts. And it is in this place that you will publish your first post on your blog (insert the content) text, images and videos.


Once you have created your entire article within this part called Post, our recommendation is that you first save the post as a draft and ask to view the post.


This way you can make a complete conference before clicking on the Publish button. That way you will see how your article will be formatted and see if it does not contain any errors in its formatting.


Some errors are very common and simple to be corrected, but if you leave them, it will certainly harm the face of your blog. Because no one likes to read misaligned content.


Extra spaces between text and images can also occur and are easy to correct, so always review your post by saving it as a draft and asking to see ok. After making the corrections, then click on Publish.


However, a very common fact that may occur after publishing your blog post is that you may have forgotten something, maybe you want to change an image, rewrite a part of the text.


And this is extremely simple to do, just enter the Posts tab, there will appear the articles (posts) already published by you, then just click on edit, change what you want and click on update. That simple.

postando o primeiro post no blog

Brief and quick conclusion:

So now that you already have all the necessary information, try to unite all these tips given to you in this article and write a good text. Try to study your audience, also try to define a language to talk to them. Treat your blog like a real tool that needs to be constantly replenished. For example: a car. Have you ever seen a car run without gas? Absolutely not.


The blog is the same thing, it always needs to be fed. Try to create a habit of publishing, maintaining consistency is extremely important, not just to keep it up to date, but to create a connection with your readers.


Your readers and visitors need to know that you take your blog seriously and have a responsibility to it. Always think about all these tips, as we are sure they will make a difference when you write and publish your first article on your blog.


We hope you enjoyed this article more and that it was useful for you. We'll stop here, until next time and success?



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