Understand Everything about the Internet of Things


The term Internet of Things is widely used to describe a huge variety of things and objects, which in turn are intelligent and capable of connecting to the web. This term is also used to describe the virtual network that is responsible for communicating between all these devices. Which could be several things.

Imagine a universe where you can go to work and when you get home dinner is practically ready because you had already programmed devices for that. In English “Internet of Things or IoT” and in the coming years with a lot of research, study and development it will allow many objects that are considered less intelligent. So become smart.

Remembering that this technology does not cover those who were born with the ability to connect with the world Wide Web. Like smartphones, tablets, games and others.

o que e a internet das coisas
Internet of Things (Google Image)

So Iot seeks to make objects and common things of our day to day gain intelligent chips and software that are necessary to transfer information through the Internet. Internet. So, let's find out more about this very interesting subject?

What is the IOT for?

The goal of the internet of things is quite clear, involving bringing additional useful things to those who bought the product, not to mention the highly positive impact on the world economy.

In industry for example, the use of sensors can then result in many improvements in efficiency, and also collaborate with the reduction of waste in assembly lines.

Just to give you an idea 35% of the US industries already use IoT to maximize their production. Thus allowing companies to get much more data about their own products.

IoT deployment is very important as it can help companies to create and deliver better products to their customers. For this reason, factories are already inserting sensors into their products with the intention of receiving data on the performance of their products.

And so it is possible to discover and replace parts and components even before it can present a problem or failure.

Some examples of applications:

The utilities of the internet of things are divided into 4 major areas, which are:

  1. Medicine: Monitor vital signs, provide assistance to the elderly and people with some type of disability, and notify emergencies to medical authorities;
  2. Smart Homes: Monitoring systems for security in order to make your home much safer, home appliances and portable electro, light bulbs;
  3. Smart cities: Communication between smart vehicles, synchronized clocks, traffic lights;
  4. Industry: Optimize the production line for better efficiency through connected machines.


The first generation that featured internet of things products were gadgets, including smartwatches and smartbands. Because they are equipped with sensors to track exercises.

So from there came ideas for another category of devices, which are medical devices. Because its features to monitor vital signs have brought many benefits to health and science.

Nowadays there are already several devices to measure the heartbeat and also measure the blood pressure of a person. And with that send the collected data to that person's doctor.

And if an emergency happens, then the device will notify its user to seek medical help even before something more serious happens.

In the not too distant future, we will have much more specialized devices, such as hearing aids and even smart pacemakers.

Many hospitals, especially those with more resources, have already started to implement smart beds, which can distinguish when the patient wants to get up or if the bed is occupied. They are fully capable of doing everything themselves, without the need for manual intervention by nurses.

smart homes:

As mentioned before, it will be very useful to automate your home. Because that way you will have much more control of your appliances and electronics.

You will then be able to install a smart light bulb in your home, which in turn will be controlled through an application installed on your smartphone. And so you'll be able to control its colors and even the intensity of the lighting.

And it can also be turned on and off automatically at the times you want, just program it for that. This will certainly generate benefits such as savings on your energy bill. Everything can be controlled via apps installed on your cell phone. For example:

  • Control the stove timer;
  • Operation and temperature of the air conditioning;
  • Temperature of your fridge and freezer;
  • TV programming and much more.

And if a visit arrives at home, then you can generate a temporary digital key with a certain time for it to expire. So you don't have to keep opening the door when the visit wants to leave and come back.

But there is a great challenge for developers, programmers and researchers to find secure solutions, especially in the case of locks. Because as you already know, every device connected to the net can be hacked.

Smart Cities:

Without a doubt, smart cities have the most audacious application among IOT. For the simple fact of this concept of taking everything we've talked about so far and applying it on a large scale in a city.

There are already some metropolises that we can call them smart cities, one of them is the city of Songdo in South Koreal. Nowadays it is known all over the world as the smartest city in the whole world, and all this is due to a work that started in 2001.

That year, the International Business District (IBD) of the city of Songdo was created. The district then had the goal of being sustainable, with low carbon emissions and being a myth of technology.

The Songdo government then installed sensors of various types, which in turn serve to monitor traffic, traffic, and even the use of electricity.

In that city, there is a pneumatic pipeline that takes garbage from people's homes straight to an underground landfill. And their homes have equipment that is controlled via cell phone. Many other cities are also working on projects like this, such as: San Jose in the USA and Santander in Spain.

In general, connected cities will use this technology to improve the quality of life of their residents, such as air and water quality. Further improve urban mobility and reduce noise pollution.

In terms of urban mobility, V2X (Vehicle to Everything) will be an essential technology, as it will allow vehicles to communicate with each other. Transiting and receiving transit data. In this way, cars will be able to avoid traffic accidents, limit speed and also read traffic signs.


The inclusion of industry will allow factories to be much more productive and efficient than they are today. However, this will only occur when the industry allows the collection of data to be analyzed, as these data show where industries need to invest or otherwise save.

When factories start using cloud computing, then they will be able to achieve a greater level of maximization and control of their manufacturing processes.

A huge advance that IoT will bring to industries and factories will be Big Data analysis, we don't know if you know what it is, but it is about large sets of data and information. This will allow you to gain insights and a much broader view that was not possible until then.

Not to mention that industries have also used artificial intelligence (AI), and with that the entire automated operating system can then be much more accurate. Thus allowing human collaborators to be reassigned to other tasks.

The 5g Internet:

5G is the newest internet creation for mobile devices, which was implemented in 2019. It was then that the first smartphones capable of accessing this band began to emerge.

A 5G technology just came to add, because it will allow a much greater bandwidth than the 4G (LTE) which is its previous version. All devices with this technology will be fully capable of communicating at super speeds, certainly a great evolution.

The 5G web towers will be able to support up to 1 million devices connected at the same time within a radius of approximately one square kilometer. Until then, this was unimaginable with previous networks.

This will be essential when cities already have vehicles, traffic lights, lampposts, sewage systems and other structures connected to the universal computer network.

If this bandwidth weren't so wide, it would be practically impossible to send all this data to the servers. For people to be able to access them from tablets and computers to do their analyses.

Security and privacy:

Without a doubt, one of the biggest concerns when it comes to the Internet of Things is protecting a huge amount of data and information.

Well, just imagine what can happen if a hacker manages to break into the security system and manage to break the encryption of the locks of your residence, or a pacemaker of a person with heart problems.

The use of standard and very common passwords is among the main security problem of IoT, which in turn can be searched by people who do not have good intentions. Even when the user changes the password, they often end up opting again for weak and unsafe passwords to avoid intruders.

Not to mention that many devices tend to have a low-performance processor, which is unable to provide advanced security features.

One of the most famous attacks that is directly related to the IoT occurred in October 2016, when a service provider dns (Domain Name System) known as Dyn made a major attack of Ddos against several sites, where not even Twitter escaped.

And to be able to carry out this great attack, Dyn then redirected connections from IoT devices such as gateways, IP cameras and even baby monitors to then create a botnet. And this botnet kept trying to access these sites all the time until their servers couldn't take all the overload anymore.

So, in order to avoid a new attack in the future, it is necessary for companies to agree to use a single security framework. Which will be used throughout the entire industry. In this way, it will be possible for organizations to provide tools and instructions for companies to be able to create much more secure devices and things.


Everything mentioned in this article does not go back, quite the contrary, the internet of things is here to stay and will be part of the future of all humanity.

It could be through smarter industries, self-driving cars or even a simple electric rice cooker that tells you when it's cooked and done. Yes you will live with all these great technological inventions.

It will make life easier for all human beings, making cities much more sustainable and our highways safer. But it can indeed pose new challenges mainly for our security and privacy.

For this reason, it is extremely important that today's companies agree to use a safety standard, and that our governments develop adequate regulations for the much safer use of these products. And do you already have a smart device in your home? What it is? Tell us there.

So that's it, we hope you enjoyed it. We're going to stop here, a big hug and success?