Discover the Greatest Inventions That Saved Lives


Talking about the greatest inventions that save lives is very interesting, as it is very likely that all of us have had or daily have our lives saved by these inventions at some point.

As you know there are hundreds of thousands of great incredible inventions all over the world of all kinds, but many times due to its simplicity we don't give it the real value it deserves. Not to mention the enormous importance they have in our lives.

That's why we decided to elaborate this brief article and show you some of the main inventions that save lives, some of these are technological and are also linked to science, others related to health, and even industrial. We'll also talk about when they were invented (year or century) and most important of all, how they save our lives.

inventos que salvam vidas
Life-Saving Inventions (Google image)

Greatest life-saving inventions:

As already mentioned at the beginning, this will be a very brief article, but with a very rich and important content, so without further ado, let's get straight to the point:


The x-ray was invented in the year 1895, and it helps health professionals to know what is going on inside our bodies. Before the x-ray it was totally impossible to know what was going on inside the body of the human being without it being opened, but with the appearance of this fantastic invention, doctors were finally able to start looking inside the bodies without having to cut it .

In case you didn't know, the x-ray helps health professionals to be able to make a much more efficient diagnosis, greatly improving the accuracy of surgical procedures.

The person responsible for discovering the invention was the German Wilhelm Rontgen, he discovered that the x-ray could be used to see inside the human body by taking an x-ray of his wife's hand, who at the time was completely amazed and scared when see your bones.


Until today, the exact date of creation of soap is not known for sure, but the product has been in use for a long time. Reports say that it is known to have been used before 2800 BC.

Soap (soap these days) saves your life by cleaning all the dirt, which as you already know our skin is full of bacteria, which in turn carry many diseases that can be harmful to your life.

So know that that simple piece of soap that you use daily several times a day is helping you and all the people in the world who use it to make everyone much healthier.

At first it was used only to clean household items and also wash clothes, but over time it began to be used by people as a personal hygiene product.


Anesthesia is also part of our list of life saving inventions, it was created approximately around the year 1846. And it simply saves your life by preventing you from feeling and dying from pain.

Have you ever imagined going through a surgical procedure without the use of anesthesia, with certainty the pain would be so much that you would not be able to bear it. And know that this has happened a lot in the past during surgical procedures. For a long time the only known form of sedation was drugs, mainly opium, or else alcohol. But nothing that worked effectively.

But in the 19th century some types of gases were discovered by researchers, where they made people stop feeling pain, but only for a moment. Its duration was not very long, but it was enough for many procedures.

And in the face of this, many surgeons began to perform their first surgeries in the year 1846 in the United States. And after that period a lot of advances came.


Pasteurization was invented in 1864, and it saves your life by eliminating and killing all microbes in food, which in turn can cause serious disease problems.

If you knew how many diseases unpasteurized milk contains you would be horrified. If it is not consumed “in natura” on the day the animal is removed, it can cause numerous diseases.

Pasteurization was created by Louis Pasteur, who made the discovery that a large amount of microbes are completely eliminated when heated. But without boiling. At first the process was used to preserve beer and wine, but later it was used to make our everyday milk much safer and healthier.

Saline solution:

Physiological serum was invented in 1831 and as the World Health Organization (WHO) says, it is essential for many things. Saline saves your life by treating severe dehydration, which used to be a very serious problem. A long time ago I knew that having diarrhea and vomiting could be fatal. Many sick people unfortunately died of dehydration.

And who knew that the combination of these three ingredients that are water, salt and sugar would be the most ideal combination to save thousands of lives. So around the time when doctors started treating their patients with saline they started to survive.

Seat belt:

The seat belt was developed at the end of the 19th century, and it saves your life by protecting you in traffic accidents (collisions), which many of them know can be very serious. Do you happen to know the law of physics called inertia? Know that the seat belt is very important due to this law. As you know, it is not good to stop suddenly in traffic.

Because when we are inside the moving vehicle, and it stops due to a collision, then everything that is posted by the vehicle continues to move. Car accidents are very frequent all over the world, so the belt is also a great invention.

Eletric lamp:

The light bulb was invented on October 21, 1879 by Thomas Edson, a great scientist and businessman from the United States who registered 2,323 patents throughout his life. The light bulb can simply save your life by preventing a fire in your home, as many years ago houses were made of wood and candles and kerosene lamps were used to light them up.

We cannot fail to mention that the eletric lamp decreases the risk of domestic accidents drastically. The electric lamp even modified the way we face the night, because with the streets well lit then the night became much less dangerous.

Footwear (shoes):

Shoes were first made a long time ago, to be exact in prehistoric times. And it protects your feet from getting any kind of disease that exists on the ground. Because as you know the floor is full of bacteria, germs and diseases.

Shoes are undoubtedly excellent inventions, because by protecting our feet we are free from getting any type of fungus, bacteria. Or even cut your foot if you're barefoot and step on something sharp. Have you ever thought about the infection that this simple cut can turn into?


The hospital was invented approximately 2,000 to 2,500 years ago in the Middle Ages by Christians in European countries, and by Muslims in Middle Eastern countries. Hospitals are also among the great life-saving inventions, simply because of the fact that they can save us by treating serious illnesses and much more.

You probably don't know this, but in the past, only rich people could access more trained and qualified doctors, while the rest of the population was treated by amateurs. But over time hospitals will evolve with doctors and qualified professionals and with much better care.


The refrigerator was invented in the 19th century, but the modern refrigerator as we know it today started to become popular only in 1940. But you must be wondering now, but how can the refrigerator save my life? The answer is very simple, it simply preserves your food so that you don't eat anything spoiled and die of food poisoning or food poisoning.

Have you ever imagined living in a house without a refrigerator? It would be virtually impossible. Unless you have enough money to eat out every day. Better not, OK.


Antibiotics were invented in the 20th century and have the power to save our lives by killing dangerous bacteria that cause the most diverse diseases. The discovery of the well-known penicillin was made by the scientist Alexander Fleming, this occurred when he ended up forgetting to close a container that contained a bacteria.

This fungus in turn attacked the bad bacteria, which were the causes of infections, leaving only the good bacteria for the human body. So the scientist turned penicillin into a medicine that saved many people from very serious infections.

And these days there are many, many types of antibiotics, which have the function of helping our body to fight against these terrible bacteria that cause disease. Which can often be deadly.


Vaccines came in the th century and they have the power to save your life as they help your body build immunity against many lethal and even contagious diseases.

Know that many years ago vaccines were responsible for saving many lives, eradicating countless diseases that caused terrible pandemics. So she saves lives, just with one or two doses and that's it, you will already be protected and immune from diseases that can lead you to death.

And if you happen to be afraid of vaccines or simply don't believe in their power acting inside the human body, then do some research on diseases like tuberculosis, measles and tetanus. You will be horrified. Without a doubt, the world has become extremely better with vaccines.

Basic sanitation:

Basic sanitation can save your life by keeping you away from your own waste, which in turn is full of bacteria that can turn into very serious diseases.

Since the appearance of the Roman aqueducts, until the invention of the toilet in the 19th century, the basic sanitation infrastructure has improved a lot. And so she helps everyone to live much cleaner.

Right when it appeared in urban areas, where people live in society, basic sanitation has been essential to maintain the good health of civilization.


O telephone had its first patent duly registered in 1876 by Alexandre Graham Bell, but many doubts hover over who actually invented it. For many participated in this great invention, such as Graham Bell, Antonio Meucci and Amos Dolbear.

The telephone can save your life and that of many people around the world in countless ways, we could name dozens of them here, but let your imagination flow, imagining how this invention can help you on various occasions.

In the beginning, only people with great financial power could have a telephone at home, as they were very expensive, but over time and with the advancement of technology today, mobile devices are very common.

Did you know that there are already many apps where you can even start a medical consultation and obtain a medical pre-diagnosis.

Internet and World Wide Web:

Many people disagree, while others agree that the emergence of the internet and the world wide web are part of the great inventions that can really save lives. We prefer to let you draw your own conclusions.

With the emergence of these technologies, a lot has changed, and for the better. Just imagine the amount of databases that are crossed all over the world with hundreds of thousands of information.

Very important information such as the organ transplant database. Just stop for a minute and imagine that the web saves lives every day around the world. We have no doubt about that.


As you can see, many of the inventions that save lives are simple things in our daily lives that we often don't even give them the value they deserve, such as soap, pasteurized milk, seat belts, light bulbs and our shoes.

But we are sure that after this reading you will start to look at all these inventions with different eyes, from the simplest ones like soap, to the most complex ones like the internet. The important thing is that they came to improve our lives and a lot, on that point we could never disagree.

So that's it, we're done here, we hope you enjoyed it, big hug, success always and until the next article ?