What is Digital Marketing? Essential Guide


In case you didn't know, Digital Marketing is an exercise that has been improved and improved over the years, and it is a great option to develop and grow any type of business.


It is fully connected to the way people buy products and the way they interact with companies and brands. A big advantage is that it allows you to connect much more influentially with your potential customers in real time.


However, before launching your tactics and strategies, it is good that you know some concepts that must be considered. In this article, we will present you with a complete look at the main concepts of digital marketing. Shall we learn more?

marketing digital

What is Digital Marketing?

It is nothing more than offering services or products to customers or future customers over the internet. With the arrival of the internet many opportunities have arisen, new platforms such as social media, emails, blogs that allow you to present your ideas, thus achieving business goals.


And in turn, you will be engaging a much larger audience, and with the possibility of spending less by reducing costs. So just to give you an idea, the internet is currently available to almost 54% of the world's population. This means that a lot of people stay online for a long time.


Information is available to everyone on any platform, you just need a computer, tablet or smartphone and an internet connection. Increasingly, the number of people who are online is growing, all due to the accessibility of the internet.


With that, online marketing ended up replacing most of the more traditional advertising strategies, such as newspapers, magazines, radio, among others.


Because digital media is focused on reaching today's consumers. Therefore, it is extremely promising, in addition to being much more economical and viable. Not to mention that with a well-planned and well-executed internet marketing strategy you have the power to leverage your business.


Find out why it is important for your business:

Digital marketing came to facilitate the divide that existed between customers and the marketer, and best of all in real time. All this because it shows many advantages that we will list for you below.


Achieve more while spending less:

Online marketing is great as it will allow you to invest less money while reaching a much larger audience. Compared to the traditional way, you will get closer to people over the internet without having to allocate an extra budget for your ads or campaigns.


You can and should use several different marketing channels, such as: websites, blogs, social networks, inserting your own content for your target audience.


And if you prefer, you can also do adverts of your products or services using social media advertising tools, you also have Google Ads, or if you prefer, you can also send emails.


Let's see a simple example, if you decide to advertise your products or services on a billboard spread across the streets of the city, then with this you will only be able to reach your local audience.


But if you want to reach a much larger audience with this type of advertising, then you'll also need to spend a lot more on hiring more billboards.


That's why promoting your products and services on the internet using publishing tools will likely cost you a lot less. This is assuming that you do a good amount of research before putting your strategy into practice.


Fully calculable:

As you already know this for sure, the internet offers access to thousands of data for you, web marketing will then allow you to perform campaign performance analysis. That way it will be possible to understand what really works and what doesn't work.


By using free tools like Google Analytics, it is possible to extract very accurate data about all the organic traffic on your website, such as:


  • Number of visitors;
  • bounce rate;
  • Demographic data;
  • Conversions rates.


And much more general data and statistics about your entire audience. A more than essential tool for anyone working with digital marketing, let's say it's indispensable.


So when you put all this data together, you will have a much better view of how your business is performing. Thus being able to predict even the (ROI) return on investment.


Let's take a simple example, when creating ads in a magazine, which would be ads printed on paper, you will never be able to know the exact number of people who saw your ad. And worst of all is not knowing how your consumers or potential consumers are reacting to your published content.


However, if you use social networks or even websites or blogs to publish your ads, then you can easily measure all the data that is collected and get valuable insights. This, in turn, will allow you to carry out more appreciable evaluations of your campaigns and thus make them much better.


This collected data will leave you one step ahead, since the key to a very effective marketing is knowing how to interpret the data that is received and make changes based on what you discovered with the collection of information.


Several advanced targeting options:

Internet marketing, in turn, will allow you to segment your audience both by interests and also by other peculiarities such as demography. Which in turn bring greater precision to reach the right audience.


He also knows how to identify directions on how his customers' behavior, even before they make the purchase decision. Have you ever thought about knowing the final decision of your customers.


And that's not all, as there are several channels at your disposal for digital advertising, it will also allow you to be in the place where the biggest profit is generated.


This is very good, as it will help consumers to spot your brand, learn much more about your type of business, and even be able to ask specific questions about the products and services offered. And so at the end of the day, it will help to create much more engagement with your audience that will result in the conversion of online sales.


Traditional marketing segmentations are a thing of the past, as they are based on just a few characteristics such as: income range, age, location and gender.


This makes it much more difficult to know how people are interacting with your brand before making a purchase. Because you need to wait for the end of the campaign until you can plan the execution of the next step. And this can hinder the growth of your business a little.



Many people find it difficult to start digital marketing, but using the internet as an advertising medium is basically like opening new doors for new opportunities that may come. And online marketing goes even further than that, it will allow you to identify trends in how people buy products.


This will help you make much more accurate decisions, and thus be able to choose the best strategies that best fit your business, being able to refine them much faster. After you have already defined your goals, it will be much easier and more practical to go to the next step.


You can start by defining an initial daily budget, planning your tactics and thus measuring your results and carrying out future planning for your business.


The importance of online presence:

Completely different from the traditional form of advertising, which in turn online presence is not so important, in the digital world, having a notable presence is essential.


In addition to allowing much greater user engagement, it will help your brand reputation, and can even persuade in much better conversion rates.


But don't forget the quality of your content for the social media or advertising platforms you use, which could be a blog, website, social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, among others new social media that already exist.


Just check out this brief example, Twitter is not the best place to share videos, photos and ads, but Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest are perfect for this.


Always try to learn more about the platforms, publish content frequently and let your customer base grow organically.


Always try to convey something of value in your published content. Instead of bombarding ads with promotions only. Elaborate tutorials, create good articles with valuable content.


And a very valuable tip, never fail to reply to comments on your publications. Keep your readers and visitors engaged and build a strong, long-term connection with the people who follow your brand. This is a key to success in any digital marketing campaign.


Note that these features and strategies mentioned in these topics will never be found in the traditional model, where things are less predictable.


Discover the best strategies:

As you already know, digital marketing is always growing, it never stops in time. For this reason the strategies will consequently follow this pattern. In the following topics, we will list the most used strategies around the world today.


Seo: Optimized organic searches:

Most internet users use search engines to do research in order to find information about brands, services or products of interest. And many of them will only choose a brand after searching on sites shown in search engine results.


So if the website, blog, virtual store is not at the top of the search rankings, it is very likely that you will not be able to attract your customers. But now you must be wondering. But how is that?


Know that a large number of users try to filter information from the Serps, but only a small part of them goes to page 3 of the results shown. Because of this, being among the top positions on the first page is essential for success in internet marketing.


Conquering the first positions is not easy, but if you apply SEO techniques you will definitely succeed conquer positions organic on search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo.


Do a good keyword research, both short-tail and long-tail keywords, optimize your site, use linkbuilding techniques and create valuable content for your users. That way you will be able to engage many more customers who come through organic search on internet search engines.


SEM: Search Engine Marketing:

Getting organic traffic doesn't happen overnight, SEO strategies do work, but of course it takes some time for you to start getting traffic organically.


While SEM (search engine marketing) offers immediate results, you just need to create sponsored campaigns, that is, paid, for your due potential customers.


Your ads and campaigns will appear at the top of search engine results pages. And always highlighted with green or yellow icons next to them. This strategy is also known as PPC (pay per click or pay per click). This practice is often used in Google Ads and also on Bing Ads.


PPC ads are extremely efficient for many types of businesses. And according to recent research shown on the Wordstream website, 64.6% of internet shoppers only click on an ad when they really want to make a purchase.


When creating your PPC ads you can customize them so they appear when your chosen keywords are typed into the search engine. In addition, you can also create targeted ads for potential customers who already know your brand.


It is also very important that you know that you will only pay when a person clicks on your ad. As such, you may be setting a portion of your budget just for PPC ads precisely when using this strategy.


Paid ads are usually very good, as the cost for you to pay for ads is even a little low compared to the profits you will make.


But the recommendation is, before putting this strategy into practice, do a good research first in search of keywords that can really bring you customers.


Social media:

Social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, among others are certainly great places to run ads about your company or business. Bear in mind that practically more than half of the world's population have active profiles on social networks.


And that's not all, consider that your potential customers spend hours connected to your social networks. For this reason, it is essential do social media marketing also, have this as part of your strategy. This will allow you to reach customers with greater engagement, at a reasonable cost. Always doing interactions.


This will definitely promote your brand further and improve your users' minds about your business. And this in turn will bring even more traffic to your product and service pages.


However, like any digital marketing strategy, it is necessary to plan to carry out good campaigns on social networks, and thus obtain the expected growth.


E-mail marketing:

Email marketing is a powerful way to communicate with your audience, because that way you will always be strengthening even more the relationship you already have with older customers.


You can and should always keep in touch with your customers, newsletter subscribers, social media followers, always with emails with content that goes beyond promotions. Look to build stronger connections using emails, small reminders, exclusive offers, and even flash offers.


If you already have a website that has quality content and is well positioned in search engines, then you probably already have a good number of followers and subscribers, so just contact them with just one click.


However, to make them continue their relationship with your brand and become loyal consumers, just create an automated sequence of emails. This will make interactions much more personal, in addition to being able to offer exclusive discounts and even some free gifts.


WordPress is the most perfect tool to integrate and work with email marketing tools, as it will facilitate all the creation and shooting of email sequences. Just optimize your messages to make them persuasive for your marketing goals.


O e-mail marketing it is a very good strategy that you should use with the purpose of always continuously improving your business on the internet.


Content Marketing:

O content marketing has its main focus on creating, publishing and distributing content to its target audience. This strategy goes perfectly with Seo and Sem. Well applied, it will bring explosive results for your brand, increased organic traffic and new consumers.


The same encompasses any strategy that uses content as a basis. This will include social media posts, blog posts, infographics, ebooks, video strategies, and more. It in turn influences virtually every other digital marketing strategy.


Since content is the main attraction of this strategy, it is extremely important to produce high quality content to ensure that it is relevant to your readers.


And to do this, just research your visitors better, try to find out what keywords they use to always create content that is really reliable.


This will certainly help your customers to see you in a different light and your business as a source of value containing high quality information.


Not to mention that this way you will be encouraging them to consume your services and products. So your engagement, your organic traffic will only increase over time.


Automation marketing:

We left this topic for last, but it is not less important for that reason, automation is nothing more than a platform that brings together practically all your strategies. This functionality is a software that will automate all your marketing operations.


Many tasks can be easily automated and will save you a lot of time. Tasks such as: scheduling posts on social media, newsletter, monitoring data and daily reports and much more. Used effectively, automation can help you quickly see which campaigns are working better and which ones are failing.


And much more important than that, automation will measure your results and your ROI (return on investment) for all your campaigns. That way you can grow faster.


But always keep in your head that all the strategies mentioned above are related to each other, and they work much better if both are combined, as one completes the other.


But how to do digital marketing starting from scratch?

It works for virtually any niche, but not all types of businesses should deploy a strategy the same way. Each case is different. Therefore, it is good that you know that there are principles that must be taken into account before taking action. And they are linked below:


Knowing your business model:

Understanding your audience is key. However, first of all you need to know exactly when you want to deal with your business itself, or with potential customers. And that is what will in turn determine your business model.


So now let's take a quick look at some strategies that work best for B2B (Business to Business) and B2C (Business to Customer) companies.


B2B business model:

If your company or your type of business is B2B (Business to Business), then your efforts in digital marketing strategies will be much more focused on building relationships with other companies. In this type of business, you will deal directly with other businesses that will also become your customers.


Therefore, your consumer (buyer) will be the general manager or even the owner of the company, or a person who occupies positions that make decisions.


This will in turn require you to build brand awareness and trust for your business before customers even purchase your products and services.


You can and should go beyond your website, our recommendation is also to focus on channels like LinkedIn, which in turn is geared towards business. And also use emails while maintaining the accessibility of your brand.


B2C business model:

If your company or your type of business is B2C (Business to Customer), it is very likely that your objective in your online marketing strategies will be focused on customers from your channels. This business model in turn will require dealing with consumers on an individual basis.


And most of the time these consumers buy for more emotional reasons. Because of this, performing a good placement of your brand is an extremely important factor.


Companies that use the B2C (Business to Customer) model, try to use channels like Pinterest, Instagram will certainly be much more advantageous and the results will be much better.


Knowing your target audience:

If this is your case of not understanding or not knowing who you want to reach on the internet, then it will be a little more difficult to get a message across and beat your competitors. That's why you need to know identify your target audienceo for anyone doing marketing.


Having knowledge about certain consumer needs, as well as their preferences and behaviors, always based on quantitative and qualitative data. This part is extremely important, and will help you organize and put an ad campaign into practice.


And for this you do not need to hire an agency specialized in this type of work. You will be able to make your buyer personas yourself. Which are the fictional representation of your perfect customer type, and to get it just follow the steps below:


  1. Think about who your consumers really are and organize them by categories;
  2. Create a characterization for each of the previously defined categories;
  3. Try to determine which category has the highest number of potential customers, and start choosing the best online strategy to communicate with them.


Following these steps is much more than an obligation, knowing that you have different personas also means that you will need different online advertising strategies.


And most important of all, having different personas means having different types of consumers. So this is a very effective way to draw up a good strategy.


Planning your Roi: Return on investment:

Regardless of the type of business you are working on, never spend your money recklessly. Make a plan for your budget and define how you will spend it.


To do this is very simple, just know what your goals are in the first place. Since the biggest objective applied in digital marketing is the ROI (return on investment). If you don't carry out planning about this, you will never make any profit in any campaign, since you will spend much more than you receive.


For this reason, the first thing to do is to determine the amount of your budget, you are deciding the objective on the amount of your income from your business.


Once you know this, use this information and determine how much money you will need to achieve that income. Make sure you have an excellent measurement plan in place, and invest in only the right tools to monitor your progress.


How to start a digital marketing strategy?

To begin with, we recommend that you start with simple methods, which do not require you to invest a lot right at the beginning. It's also good not to get too worried in the beginning, focus on implementing one strategy at a time, you'll be amazed at how fast your business can grow.


After executing and things are developing, always try to focus on optimizing and improving your efforts to grow even more. And always complement your work with other advertising techniques as well.


How to do mobile marketing?

This type of strategy can never be left out, mobile marketing, also known as marketing for mobile devices. It is extremely important that professionals in the field know how to communicate effectively when using this channel.


But you must be wondering now, why is this channel so important? In answer to your question, none other than 86,2% of all internet users on the planet today use smartphones to access the internet.


And of these 86.2%, 66% of them access content totally related to sales, such as products and services. And nowadays, practically all E-commerces are optimized for mobile devices, thus achieving better placements in search engines.


That's why it's critical to optimize all your channels for mobile devices. They could be: website pages, social media content, ads, among others.


Social networks already do this work for you automatically, so your concern is in make your website responsive for mobile devices.


Advantages of having a mobile responsive layout:


  • All content will adapt to virtually all screen sizes;
  • Page loading time will be much faster;
  • Your website will be free of any type of mobile-specific errors, thus preventing customers from leaving your website.


By combining all this, your user will have an excellent experience when visiting your site, and will certainly come back to buy more often.


Recently, a research carried out by a great authority in Digital Marketing revealed that 46% of internet users via mobile immediately abandon slow pages and that are not responsive.


And of those 46%, 34% of them stated that they do not make purchases if the website they visited is not responsive and mobile friendly. For this reason, it's good to ensure that the experience of your mobile visitor that you offer is the best possible. This is more than a priority.


Making your site mobile responsive:


  1. Do a check on your website by testing the speed of the website, the test in addition to revealing the loading speed will show you if it is responsive or not;
  2. If he passed the test, great;
  3. But if your site is not mobile friendly, then you can start fixing this problem. If you don't know how to do it, look for an expert;
  4. Another simple tip, if you use WordPress, just change the template (theme) to one that is mobile friendly;
  5. And finally, also optimize your campaigns and ads for mobile and put into practice the strategies you've learned so far.



As you just saw in this article, digital marketing is basically knowing the right way to connect with your audience in the right way.


In addition, it will allow you to interact more with your customers, and thus be able to influence them based on demographic data, using specific platforms for this. To recap some strategies mentioned in the article:


  • Seo: optimization of your website content to improve your ranking and appear in organic searches;
  • Without: paid traffic campaigns for your products or services;
  • Advertising on social media: producing and sharing content in order to engage even more customers;
  • E-mail marketing: way to accompany your customers, ensuring that they receive the solutions they need;
  • Content marketing: a way to keep your customers informed and updated about your products and services;
  • Automation: has the purpose of automating all your campaigns of your strategy;
  • Responsiveness of all your channels to mobile devices.


So, what are you waiting for to start putting everything you've learned here into practice? Start planning your campaign today and boost the success of your digital business.


Thank you for staying with us this far, and let's get our hands dirty. Success ?



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