Tips for Marketing on Social Media


If you own an online business like a blog for example, then you will definitely need to come up with a great strategy and also learn how to market on social media.

This is to increase your brand awareness, which is of utmost importance, and increase your amount of traffic. You just saw how important social media are, more than essential tools for any digital marketing professional.

But do you really know how to use these tools the right way? That's why we've prepared this article especially dedicated to you where you'll learn more about marketing on social media.

como fazer marketing nas redes sociais
Tips on How to Marketing on Social Media (google image)

What is social media marketing?

It is nothing more than the use of various types of specialized social media sites that will help you spread awareness about your brand. It is an ever-continuous process that involves many things, such as:

  • High-quality copywriting techniques (writing);
  • Visual resources (both images and videos) this will help reach a much wider audience.

And to complete this whole package, there are several factors that make advertising on social media a must for everyone who has projects and businesses on the internet, which are:

  • Social networks act as a platform to interact freely with potential consumers, thus building relationships and trust at the same time;
  • With the help of social media, you can quickly reach a much wider audience;
  • In addition to being much cheaper than advertising in media such as billboards, flyers, radio or TV;
  • Virtually all social networks show you real-time reports that show complete data on how your campaigns are performing. This is the best way to analyze the effectiveness of your marketing and how it's doing.

Companies specializing in advertising on social networks:

Even today, most entrepreneurs are aware of the importance of being present in these networks to improve the marketing of their businesses. Even so, many entrepreneurs still do not know how to use the advertising tools provided by social platforms.

So that's where social media business companies come in. They provide their clients with social media advertising packages that include content creation, audience building planning, posting scheduling, and more.

In short, the job of these companies is to maintain brand visibility and the right communication between your company or business and the audience through social platforms.

But now you must be wondering, but then how to find good companies specialized in advertising strategies for social networks? So as the intention here is always to help you, we have prepared a small list with some of them:

Disruptive Advertising:

A Disruptive Advertising is an advertising agency that specializes in PPC (cost per click) campaign management. It will definitely optimize the use of Google Ads and Facebook Ads.

She is one of the most experienced online advertising agencies currently on the market. To complement their media strategies they offer site experience tests and data reports.

Thrive Agency:

A Thrive Agency In addition to the traditional social media advertising and advertising service, they also offer email list building, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), complete PPC (Cost Per Click) ad management, and much more.

This company knows very well that every brand has its own needs, and they excel at that as they deliver great solutions. The agency has a mega dedicated social media manager, who is very prepared to deliver weekly and monthly reports, with ROI (Return on Investment) monitoring calculations and more.

Social Media 55:

I know how difficult it is to grow to a presence on social media, so Social Media 55 is more than prepared to help you with whatever you need with your online campaigns.

Tell them clearly what your main goals are, so their team will strategize for you. From your revenue level, your target, social engagement and everything in between.

And apart from social networks, they also offer services such as Instagram campaigns, which serve perfectly to engage the brand, email marketing services, SEO, cost-per-click campaigns, among others.

Create a plan:

So if you really want to use social networks to achieve the goals of your business or company, know right away that you can't do this without planning.

You'll need a great social media strategy so the resources you invest in these sites pay off. Check out what to consider:

  • Make a good definition of objectives;
  • Discover and learn about which metric you want to track;
  • Identify and define your target audience;
  • And finally decide what message you want to convey to them.

Rest assured, as we will bring you much more explanations regarding each point mentioned above to help you plan your strategy in the best way.

Setting goals properly:

First, knowing what the main goals you are trying to accomplish are essential in any social media campaign. Of course, there are many criteria to consider when you are planning.

That's why it's very important to know how to use strategies for setting goals, which will help you to analyze the situation much better by parts. Check how to do it:

  • Be unique: being very popular is not a good main goal. In fact, your popularity will increase a little bit at a time. So to be successful, try to create unique goals such as ?getting 2,000 followers by May. Or publish at least three 3 videos every week.
  • Calculable: So once you have a specific goal, it will be much easier to make the necessary measurements. It is not something you will measure with feelings, but with your eyes. Like follower count, data, reports and more.
  • Achievable: Analyze all factors such as mainly the quality and also the amount of human resources you have. Because it is possible to make hundreds of posts with very high quality visual content per month with a team of 4 people. So ensure means to achieve your goal.
  • Relevant: If you want to get more internet sales by gaining more followers, this won't work. Instead, get testimonials and customer feedback, as this has more impact on sales. Everything is a matter of “why”.
  • Deadlines: Deadlines also play an important role in objectives. This will help track your progress and thus measure your effectiveness.

Setting the right objectives and goals is very important, as well as measuring them. And try to avoid using the wrong indicators to judge your results.

What metrics to track:

Practically all social networks, mainly the most popular ones like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter offer their own built-in tools that provide analytical data reports.

However, they are just tools, as you are the one who will decide which metrics are important in terms of achieved goals. Try to choose a low goal and use the indicators to measure your progress.

  • Spread the brand: The more people you can reach, the larger your audience will be and so many more people will know about your product or service. Therefore, constantly monitor the metrics of your social networks.
  • Engage more: When your followers start asking you questions about your products better, it means they are starting to get interested. Start counting the amount of comments you are getting.
  • From followers to buyers: Know that followers are often not buyers. So in that case you need to convince your audience that your product is worth their money. This guarantees a high conversion rate.
  • Satisfied consumers: There's nothing better than hearing the answers directly from buying consumers. Because the more opinion and testimonials they give, the better it will be to evaluate their products.

Identifying your target audience:

Identifying your target audience is very important in a successful campaign, as there are many factors that you must take into account when doing research on your audience, such as:

  • Nationality;
  • Age;
  • Gender and much more.

Another very important point to be able to identify your correct audience is to know your product very well. What problems do your products solve? For example, if you are an electric shaver and your goal is to shave men quickly. So in this case your focus will be on men, workers, aged between 25 to 55.

Another very simple example: if you offer a summer outfit, then it is very likely that you will not get as many consumers from colder countries. So what can you do to find the right audience for social media campaigns?

  • Always try to investigate your current consumers: If most of them are women, then it might even be a good idea to align your brand identity with them.
  • Try your best to find out the audience your competitors are targeting: Finding out where your competitors are targeting will help you a lot in your strategy. Because that way you can either have the same target audience as them, or also target another relevant audience.
  • Research: If you are looking for a quicker, clearer and more direct answer, try to encourage your followers when they visit your site, let them say which product from the catalog is most interesting to them.

After correctly identifying your target Audience, the next thing to do is look to ensure that your content fits with their characteristics. This will help you relate to your customers and make your connection with them only grow.

Match your tone to your audience:

It's obvious that different groups of people behave differently, so that's why you need to keep a close eye on how they think, what they like, and even how they communicate.

It's also imperative to stick with the kind of message you're trying to get across to them. Because there are two different types of tone that you can use. The formal and the informal.

Knowing how to choose the wrong option can result in a difference in your audience. That's why you need to know which tone suits your audience best.

Let's take a simple example, let's say you sell classic wines. Your target audience will then be made up of adults, young people, or seniors with refined tastes. From there you know that the ideal tone is formal.

This same principle also applies to many products. If your store sells products for young people, such as games, then you will use an informal tone, even tech slang to interact with them.

After you understand all the technical knowledge, it's time for you to put everything together in a single strategy to turn your social campaigns into a tremendous success.

Tips and Strategies:

Planning takes a lot of dedication and work, that's why we're going to reveal simple, practical strategies and essential tips to help you get better results. Let's go to them:

Write high quality content:

Make frequent posts with good content it will definitely attract a lot more followers, and also give you better engagement. For this reason post attractive photos, videos, infographics and sponsored ads.

Brand loyalty:

There is no benefit if you want to change your tone, unless the business or company is going through a rebranding process. If not, always stay true to the brand and the persona, and never confuse your audience.

Keep track of your competitors always:

If you're new to digital entrepreneurship, you'll quickly realize that competition can be fierce and fierce. So what you should always do is keep track of your competitors. This can help you stay ahead of them.

Different social media yield different results:

Nowadays there are many social media platforms to use, but each one should be used differently. Know that each social network may require a different approach for you to get the result you want so much.

So let's talk about the platforms:

  • Twitter: It's a great place to keep your audience informed about how your brand is doing. With less characters then you have to do more in the posts. Other than that, things move quickly here on this network. And posts are shared via the retweet button.
  • Facebook: Its popularity is huge, it's no wonder that it is among the largest social networks in the world, making it an excellent platform. Not to mention the insights and analysis tools made available by them.
  • YouTube: They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so just imagine a video, you can create amazing content like tutorials, or showcase new products.
  • Instagram: Insta has already reached thousands of users around the world, certainly using this network is a great opportunity to quickly reach potential customers. Instagram is perfect for running mobile campaigns.

Sponsored ads on social media:

If you feel that your efforts so far are not yielding, and your desired results are taking too long to arrive. Know that I know how it feels.

Conquering an organic reach can be very difficult, which is why you can explore paid media options with the intention of having a faster and easier way to reach your goals in your online campaigns.

But you must be wondering: but then what will paid advertising on social networks yield for me? Just to start, know that it is possible to expand your brand in a matter of seconds.

Social networks, as efficient as they are, can also be very competitive. So when you invest money in campaigns, your content will have priority and will be shown in users' feeds, even for those who don't follow you.

When creating online campaigns on social media, you are the one who decides how much to spend per day, the entire budget is controlled. Paid advertising on social networks certainly has many benefits, which can give you the necessary boost to achieve your goals.

It is up to you to decide whether you want to take this path or not. But one thing is for sure, never underestimate the importance of creating a website to gain organic traffic from search engines.


Since you've now learned the steps required to create a great social media marketing campaign, all you need to do is plan and execute.

And just to wrap up, let's do a quick summary of the steps you need to take to start an online social media campaign. Are they:

  • Define Objectives;
  • Understand metrics to measure results;
  • Define the target audience;
  • Adjust the tone;
  • Create quality content;
  • Develop paid campaigns on social networks.

Know that advertising on these networks requires time for everything to be planned and executed, the results can be measured and analyzed at the same time.

And that's it, we end this article here, we hope you enjoyed this content more and that it was useful for you in some way. We stop here, and success always?