Learn What Are The Best Colors For Online Stores


Knowing how to correctly choose the color palette for your online store is more than essential, as this way you will be able to induce your visitors and potential customers to buy your products that are available in your window. But do you know which are the best colors for a virtual store?

Know that by making the right choice, you can be sure that the performance of your store will only tend to grow more and more, as your E-commerce will be much more attractive than others. This will further encourage the customer to swipe the card and buy.

So we prepared this article to reveal you which are the best colors for online stores to choose from and thus optimize your sales even more. Stay with us until the end and learn everything about it.

quais sao as melhores cores para loja virtual
Online stores (Image from Google)

The importance of colors in your E-commerce layout:

The design of your online store is extremely important, because it will provide the user with a best experience, and that way of course he will stay much longer on your site and will probably end up buying your product. So never treat your layout as a simple unimportant detail.

Because of this, it is essential that you know how to correctly use the psychology of colors in order to definitely win over the visitor, and in this way he will make the purchase decision. That's why we recommend that when creating your layout, you always consider in your planning the coloring that will be used in the call-to-action buttons (CTA).

A simple example, red draws a lot of attention as if it were a warning sign, so use it as sparingly as possible. The green color conveys the feeling of generosity, nature, joviality and also calmness. The blue color already conveys feelings of tranquility, peace, harmony and also the feeling of security.

In the vast majority of E-commerces, the buy button that takes the person to the shopping cart so that he can close his order takes the colors, green, yellow, orange and even red. These color tones are simply used because they manage to attract and call the visitor's attention much more, and end up awakening in them a sense of impulse and also of haste.

Do colors really influence the purchase decision?

There is no doubt about it, they are responsible for being able to create a much more pleasant atmosphere while users browse the site, and thus end up influencing the purchase decision of their visitors. Know that a page in total harmony in its visual part has the power to awaken people's desire and interest in swiping their card and making a purchase.

What is the best color palette for online stores?

There definitely isn't a palette that is better or worse for all the virtual stores around the world, because knowing what will determine the choice of shades in the vast majority of times are the products that will be displayed for sale, what type of them, the niche of performance and even the target audience.

The most important thing is that they must be in complete harmony to provide consumers with the best possible experience while they browse the pages. That's why it's essential to know how to choose the best colors for a virtual store.

What is the color that draws the most attention?

Know that the color red is the one that most attracts people's attention, as it has the power to leave people with the instinct of attention on. No wonder the stop light at traffic lights is red. However, this color is not always recommended for use on e-commerce sites, as it is very aggressive. Only use it in certain places in the store, for example on informational buttons.

What color sparks interest?

Without a doubt, the green and blue colors have the power to provide a very pleasant experience for all consumers browsing the website. But let it be clear that not all times these colors guarantee that people's interest is awakened.

As already mentioned, everything will also depend on the niche and customer profile. There is nothing better to create a pleasant environment than using stronger or weaker tones, depending of course on the purpose of the brand.

Main characteristics and meaning of colors:

Now that you know the importance of colors for your virtual store, how about also knowing their meaning? Know that the coloring of your design is not, and cannot be, treated as a mere ornament. Because always behind each color there is a meaning, and also an emotional appeal to encourage the user to click and buy.

Then follows a brief list of the meaning and also the characteristics of the most important colors:


The white color means and conveys purity, peace, a feeling of protection, light, brightness, transparency, humility and purity, birth, innocence and joviality. Many do not consider it as a color, but as the non-existence of it.

In the vast majority of web site designs, it is always used in the background and between the lines of the articles (texts), in order to make reading more pleasant for users and also to be able to highlight the call-to-action and call-to-action buttons with white spaces. adverts.


We cannot deny that the orange color really is a very vibrant color, and it has the power to convey friendship, confidence, balance, humor, modernity, extravagance and much more. Use it sparingly so it doesn't dominate your layout, which wouldn't be cool.

We can say that this color tone is very good to be used in ads, banners, call-to-action buttons, among others. Many web designers have this color as one of their favorites.


The color red is extremely hot, transmitting and meaning love, courage, emotions, not to mention its stimulation and energy, which in turn ends up encouraging actions and also generating confidence.

It also causes a lot of impressions of desire and excitement, which is very interesting, but it can be seen as a sign of attention, so our recommendation is that you use this color tone with caution in your online store.


The color yellow is excellent for boosting attention and also optimism, it will bring feelings of comfort and satisfaction, as it ends up awakening some feelings of wisdom.

We cannot fail to mention that it has a very striking tone, and you should never use it throughout the design of your online store. The correct thing is to use it only as a complement.


Blue color can easily convey security, calm, tranquility, harmony. In lighter tones it is also linked to hygiene and freshness, while in darker tones it represents power and also success.

Most of the time it is used frequently, mainly by brands related to the health niche, but on the other hand it is also used in colors of many online stores, as it also conveys security and technology.


In case you didn't know, the color purple has the ability to stimulate a very important area of the human brain, which is the area of creativity, wisdom, helping our intuition that will contribute to the ability to solve problems. It is also noted as a sensual, mysterious, noble and bright color. Ideal to give your visitors that impression of strong presence.

Usually this color is often used in E-commerce layouts that are related to cosmetics, fashion, and also by those looking for a much more modern look.


The gray color means and represents neutrality, elegance, used by virtually all internet sites, if it is not present in the layout, it is certainly present in the texts and descriptions of the products in the store.


The black hue can easily convey power, sophistication, formality, not to mention that it is a color full of mysteries, in addition to being considered noble and superior, yet distinctive.

We cannot fail to mention that it also represents a little sadness and mourning, but in the world of big and luxurious brands it has the ability to be extremely glamorous. Our recommendation is that you use it subtly in your projects, because, like red, it should always be used in balance.


The color green has the ability to emit tranquility, health, security, perseverance, youth, fertility and also nature. In the business world, this coloring has the ability to generate connection and also harmony.

In virtual stores it will awaken that feeling of confidence, as if it were a street sign opening for the driver to pass, it is a great choice to be used in call-to-action buttons, such as: buy now, buy now, finalize your order .

Main colors that awaken the desire to buy:

Now that you know which are the best colors for your virtual store, how about discovering which ones awaken and further stimulate the desire to buy from your visitors and potential customers. Both the color purple, yellow and orange have the power to stimulate purchases without even causing that feeling of attention as usually happens with red.

They manage to convey vitality and energy, which most of the time ends up turning into pleasant feelings for consumers who finally end up making a purchase.

So our tip is, carefully analyze the use of these colors and their tones, knowing that both are quite strong and often they do not match with other colors of your E-commerce. Try to study more about the psychology of colors for virtual stores, that way you will be able to make a much better definition that will tune in to your brand, what are its purposes and its customers.


We can quickly conclude that the balance between color shades is the biggest and main secret to setting up an E-commerce that will offer a great experience to visitors. Knowing how to choose the colors to use in the layout of an online store is not a very easy task, but just follow our tips and we are sure you will succeed.

So that's it, that's it, we hope we have helped you to know which are the best colors for a virtual store, make a good choice when setting up yours and success in your online sales?