What is Database? Importance and Main Types


Knowing what a database is isn't even that complicated, because due to the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it even goes unnoticed in our thoughts. So stop just a little to think about it and you will realize that they are much more present in our lives than we can imagine.

He is so present in our daily lives that we are the ones who practically feed them all on a daily basis. Or almost all of them. We feed the banks when we visit a website or virtual store, when we use apps, when we fill out an online registration. In short, practically all the resources that the internet currently offers us generate data and information.

So if you want to know exactly what a database is, stay with us. This will be a very short but very helpful article.

banco de dados o que e
Database (Google image)

What is a database?

It is nothing more than a set of information and data that were somehow collected and stored, and which in turn relate to each other in a very organized way, providing important information about something.

In summary then, it is the grouping of information and data that speak the same subject, and that need to be stored in complete security. Because you or someone at some point may need to access them easily at some point.

That is why it is very important to have a database management system (DBMS). Know that nowadays there are several management systems. We'll talk more about.

Whats the matter?

A database is very important, as it allows you to store all the data and information contained in your website or blog in a much more efficient way.

Which, in turn, will allow the user a better experience, and that he can really navigate and find all the information he needs in his search.

This data and information, organized and stored correctly, in addition to contributing to the improvement of the user experience, will also facilitate the work of the IT team. Because these professionals were able to access this data whenever they needed it easily.

So if you have a WordPress site, or even another platform, know right away that their database is essential for their operation, being one of the most important parts of the entire site.

Main types:

In case you didn't know, nowadays there are several different types of databases, here are the most used ones:

SQL Server:

O SQL Server was developed by Microsoft company, it is well known and also very used. The language used in the tool is T-SQL. Which in turn offers many advanced features that make it easy to update and store data securely.


O mysql belongs to Oracle, the main characteristic of this DB model is that it is an Open Source. It uses SQL language, working with free and commercial software licenses.

It stands out a lot for its easy use, not to mention its security. Which allowed large companies and also applications to use its features and functionality. Not to mention that it has full integration with the PHP of practically all website hosting from the market.

Oracle Database:

O oracle it is practically the most used database management system in the world. It uses the SQL language ensuring security and many features for its users. Not to mention that it can be installed on multiple platforms.


Considered as one of the main alternatives on the market, the PostgreSQL it is also an Open Source relational manager. It offers many advanced as well as complex features and functions. It has the capacity to be able to safely support a large amount of data, not to mention excellent performance.


O NoSQL it is a non-relational database system, its use will allow you to have much more scale, not to mention that it has a very simplified maintenance. Which will help to cut costs.


O Redis is becoming every day very popular among users, it also works as Open Source. Where through that system, all information and data is stored in key-value format. It stands out a lot for its speed, ease of use and functionality. This entire Redis system has a very versatile structure.


O MongoDB it is also Open Source and has a lot of prominence in the market. Your system runs on Linux, Windows, OSX, using the C++ programming language. Its performance is great, and this is due to its programming language, which has the promise of better performance in your day to day.

Brief conclusion:

As you saw, a database is nothing more than data that was collected and also organized in a very structured way, whose purpose is to facilitate your access and the management of all information.

As we mentioned you can then use management systems such as SQL Server, MySQL, Redis and others to manage all your data easily. And keep them safely stored.

That's it for today, as we said at the beginning, this would be a very brief article, but no less important. We stopped here, we hope we helped you understand this subject better. Until next time and success?