What is SAC? The Customer Service


SAC, which means Customer Service or Customer Service, is a tool that has as its main and only objective to allow consumers (buyers / customers) and companies to have a more direct contact.

This consumer service was created in the 20th century, and its function is to find solutions to problems, receive complaints from customers who have purchased products or contracted services. And it also serves to clear doubts. It is an extremely important service for any type of company, as it is nothing more than its business card.

So being able to count on an excellent SAC is more than essential to be able to achieve customer loyalty, increase and further improve the company's credibility, and improve professional relationships.

sac o que e
Customer Service (Google image)

So come with us, because in this brief content we will show you everything you need to have an excellent quality service.

What it means?

As we already mentioned at the beginning, the abbreviation SAC means “Customer Service”, which in turn is the gateway for customers and companies to communicate. It is extremely important for building the image that a person would have about the company.

Origin of the acronym:

As we have already mentioned, the initials SAC appeared in the 20th century, due to the huge number of fixed telephone lines installed all over the world. After all, the telephone was also a novelty at the time.

But that date is even older, customer service and customer support began even in the 19th century, in the middle of the Industrial Revolution. Thus creating a concept of scale seeking to improve the relationship between customers and companies.

In the year 1868, Watkins Liniment's company, American Balms, was the first company in the market to offer reimbursement services to its customers.

Whats the matter?

As already mentioned, but it is always worth remembering again that the service is a type of business card for your company, as it is quite possible that this is the first contact channel between the consumer and your company or business. Whether to buy a product, hire a service, or also solve a problem, or simply ask questions.

That's why it's so important for your company, and you should always offer quality customer service, because if you have customer service that really solves your customers' problems, then it's certain that they'll keep buying or hiring your services. And they will also be indicating the same to other people.

But on the other hand, if you have poor customer service, then it can and will hurt your business. What we believe is not what you want right?

Know that having excellent support will also increase your company's credibility rate. Not to mention that the absence of complaints or negative evaluations on sites like Reclame Aqui will be essential for building that credibility. This only reinforces and confirms its importance for your company or business.

What is the difference between SAC and Ombudsman?

Now that you know what the SAC is, and that it is a customer service, and that it is very important for any company. It is also important to clarify some differences that often end up confusing people. What is the difference between it and the Ombudsman, as many confuse the two.

So, as we have already explained, the SAC is a more direct way of establishing contact between consumer customers and companies, which in turn serves to solve problems, receive complaints, and even to clarify doubts.

On the other hand, the Ombudsman serves as a way of being able to represent the opinion of consumers, being the last resort that the consumer will probably take before taking the decision to open a criminal case against the company for some reason.

Our guideline is that the Ombudsman should only be sought after the consumer has already gone through the company's SAC, and has not obtained a solution to his problems in this service and communication channel.

And if an acceptable agreement for both parties is not possible through the Ombudsman channel, then it is time to seek your rights as a consumer by going to court. After all, it is your right.

Emergence of Call Centers:

In the year 1960, the first Private Automated Business Exchanges, or PABX, appeared, and they served as prototypes for Call Centers. Which had its emergence in the year 1983 and still exist to this day. With that huge amount of operators, all in one place, and handling many consumer and customer conversations on a daily basis.

These Call Centers, or Call Centers, have changed a lot over all these years, especially due to the use of IVR or IVR (Audible Response Unit) systems. This system allowed the customer to have his question answered without interacting with attendants.

And what at first seemed to be a good thing actually turned out to be a real barrier for those consumers who already had experience with other types of much more sophisticated online systems.

Online Help Desk:

But in fact, what came to revolutionize the market was the arrival of new Online Help Desk technologies, with the emergence of products such as Zendesk It is freshdesk.

With the emergence of these new technologies, consumers and clients began to have much more flexibility with the use of e-mail and real-time chats. Not just relying on phone lines like it used to be. Of course, technological evolution helped a lot.

Over time, people began to realize that these platforms were great for being able to respond much faster to their customers and consumers. Not only to solve problems, but to receive praise as well.

But the biggest advance of all in this area of technology was the use of artificial intelligence, continuous improvements to cater for mobile devices, which today are the majority, improvements in chats, among others. All of this just adds up to the SAC system.

SAC do Futuro:

Customer Service over time has gone through many, many changes, and will probably continue to pass, it all started with SAC 1.0, which was considered the golden age of Call Centers. Soon after came the 2.0 already with the use of digital channels. Such as social media and live chats.

3.0 then emerged only when companies began to realize the real need to focus on really starting to provide a great experience for the consumer. Offering a much more personalized, agile and efficient service.

The main objective of all, of course, would be to be able to differentiate itself from other types of online customer service that already existed, and which eventually ended up becoming very similar services.


Finally, we arrive at 4.0 or the SAC of the future, which in turn is no longer based on scripts and processes, and finally begins to be based on conversation and dialogue with the public.

Which means that the team, in addition to serving the consumer customer, also starts to dialogue more and interact much more with the public in general. This new, well-known phase of CHAT 4.0 is based on the use of chat software, but on the other hand, it requires an active presence on social networks, not to mention the use of its own language.

For this reason, it is very important that your company use the omnichannel, because that way you will be giving several options of several synchronized channels so that the customer can be quickly served.

Brief conclusion:

And then did you understand what SAC is? The Service that is important for any company, we hope so. You just saw how essential having an excellent quality system is. 

In addition to serving as a business card for your company, it also helps you to retain more customers, and on top of that it avoids unnecessary cancellations of purchases. And it even increases the credibility of your company.

So if your company still doesn't have a customer service and support of this type, start thinking about implementing one right now. After all, nowadays it is a fundamental area for any and all companies nowadays.

And, we have reached the end of another article, we hope we have helped and cleared your doubts. A, and don't forget, you have questions about a product you want to buy, or you want to complain about something you've already bought, contact the company's SAC ok. Big hug and success