What is Technology? Applications, Forecasts and News


Ever wondered, what is Technology for you? For those who work with computers and other technological innovations, it involves work development, ease of carrying out financial transactions, product shipments, guidelines and much more. Today it would be unthinkable and even idiotic to say that technology has few or no advantages.

It is also encompassing an ever-increasing number of people. You just have to stop and think that even your uncle or grandfather, one of those older ones, who didn't use any smartphone until recently, and didn't trust you if you said you were going to pay a consumer bill through the bank application.

Nowadays most people spend a good part of their time browsing the Internet, whether on your computer or smartphone, this has already become a reality and tends to evolve even more in the not-so-distant future.

tecnologia o que e
Technology (Google image)

In this article, we are going to explain in thought about what is happening in the world we are living in today. The evolution of our society has always existed, but perhaps not as much as we are today.

Today we live better than medieval kings, because technology has been able to eradicate poverty in most countries of the world and to make possible the integration of services around the planet. So let's find out more about this super interesting subject.

She's older than you think:

Technology is as old as the existence of man, because more than we have in our mind that development came to happen only in the period when we had the arrival of computers and mobile devices today.

Scientists and researchers cannot say, even if they already have a notion. But the most likely thing is that technological evolutions began at least 50,000 years ago. There are those who go further, stating that it has existed since the discovery of fire.

But like any discussion, this generated a lot of repercussions in the field of scholars, dividing opinions and theses. In the consensus of great scientists, it will always be used for a great disposal of our technical knowledge.

This will be done through various paths, such as the improvement of software and hardware, electronics, new materials and also the development of society with its help.

Applications throughout history:

If you are going to study through books or videos that comment on human history, there are countless moments where technology was present and made our lives easier.

It must be understood that this innovation is not just what moves on a cell phone or notebook screen, but everything that can be programmed through a robot or machine.

One of the greatest moments of more than massive evolution in our history was the period of the Industrial Revolution. Remembering that during this period, we had what is seen today in large industries, the acceleration of human capital, development of companies and generation of jobs.

What today a machine can do without stopping for hours and hours without stopping, a human will never have that ability. In medieval times, technologies impacted the spread of engineering, development of large cities, roads and large ports.

Large factories could also be built thanks to the evolution of industries and more modern materials that were launched. Today we can see several types of them, such as:

  • The construction;
  • Large industries;
  • Military defense of a nation;
  • The technology that is used in universities and schools;
  • Among others more.

Bringing knowledge to students even faster, allowing us to know information about events around the world, in real time.

Technology for good and for bad:

If technology was only possible thanks to the efforts of man, it was also unfortunately designed and left in everyone's hands, with easy access even by bad people. What we can mention right away are the wars that happened throughout history.

Both in the First and in the Second World War, we had the invasion of troops both by land and by air, and we realized what damage man can do, in search of power and with modernity acting at his side.

These days, the chance of that happening is even greater. Great war powers like Russia, countries that are tremendous dictatorships like North Korea and Venezuela, in addition to the United States (considered the greatest power in the world), all these have a common and very worrying factor.

The alliance of technology for the construction of incredible atomic bombs and powerful weapons in the defense of their territories. But the bad side of all this spy technology and weapons, is that if one day they are used, they can destroy humanity with millions of deaths, just like it happened in the last century.

Another point that we can mention for the use of evil together with innovation is betting, defaults and even cyber theft. Many people try their luck in gambling and online casinos, most recently linked to Bitcoin, a virtual cryptocurrency of extreme value, with almost USD 10 thousand of value in relation to its quotation.

This and other virtual currencies would be a great asset for banking and business transactions, but unfortunately their access is not very protected, and criminals attack good people every day, who just want to make safe investments. When for the human being everything can become easy, he can easily trample and ignore his limits.

We have to be grateful that there are still people who think about the future of the environment, who know what good technology is, trying to offer innovative products that can guarantee our eternal survival.

Forecasts for the remainder of 2020 and beyond:

According to predictions made by Gartner and other experts on the subject, throughout this year and with even greater impact in the year 2021, it will change the concepts of how we do business and improve our skills.

We will see people who will only work virtually. Banks had to adapt, launching fintechs that have a credit card option and payment of consumer bills without any fees.

And what to say about the possibility of planes with even greater speed than today, with connections to all the main cities in the world with reduced time. The future is prosperous, as long as man knows how to deal with the power he has in his hands.

The home office took over in an inexplicable way:

Perhaps ten years ago, we could never have imagined that we would find ourselves in situations where millions of people are working from home, in the best known term ?home office?, and can be as or more lucrative than in the work environment.

The COVID-19 pandemic only further reinforced the expression that ? Is technology the future?. Before a person needed to adapt to only one physical model. Finish a university and enter the job market with force or even invest in a business.

See for someone who works as a journalist. Before, without all the technological equipment that a large media has, it would be impossible for a reporter to go to the field of action and make a report.

Because of this, there was a driver to take the team up and down, a cameraman and another guide. And what happens today: A communication company is already hiring a versatile professional, who can make the agenda with just a cell phone and camera, direct and even edit the news.

This also has a positive impact on an organization's expenses, so it is not necessary to hire more employees than was necessary just a few years ago.

What E-commerce has also been doing is something almost inexplicable. People who did not like to work according to rules, with discounts on their payroll and who did not see many benefits in working as a salaried employee, today, through technology, they see possibilities for growth.

To the freelance work platforms, are just another gateway for workers who want to make this great innovation their main gain for the month.

Someone who has some skill that can be demonstrated through a machine, will be able to provide service to a supplier without ever seeing him in front of him, receiving all instructions and his payments virtually.

Extracting the best between man and technology:

The digital transformation still needs to be seen and analyzed as a still slow process, which will be processed and developed over time, as we are evolving as a society.

First, it is necessary to completely eradicate poverty in the world, giving even more freedom for people to trade freely, thus stimulating the entry and interaction of even more individuals with technology.

Performance in a company will need to be seen more and more as an integration of all its individuals. Today, a director of any business can hold a meeting and align his team's interests virtually. Even before this small meeting lasted just 10 or 15 minutes, it would be necessary to block the activity and production of each one.

With its help, a connection can be made from the residence of any of the employees, once a week and while they are at leisure.

How can it improve the lives of underprivileged people?

We know that even with the evolution of the scenario and the quality of life here in Brazil, there are still many regions in the country that do not even have basic sanitation, such as in slums and underserved communities. But what is not lacking in any of these places is access to the Internet, through a mobile phone or mobile data plan.

What we can say that already exists even in not so advanced countries, is the consent and encouragement that poor children and those who do not have many conditions to study, for example, have access to places that are free, so that they can participate in activities, staying away from crime.

The social path currently involves technological literacy, such as teaching how to use a computer or tablet, for example. What a child often does not know, but he can explore, which are free books that are digitized on the Internet.

We know that for university studies or just general knowledge, it's great to have the physical book in your hands. However, as some do not have so much economic power, they can study thanks to technology, through digital versions, such as e-books or PDFs.

What can we have again soon?

One of the issues that is already real and that is only discussed when its arrival will actually happen in all developed and underdeveloped countries, is the use of 5G technology. Even faster and more accurate than 4g, for example, the most common and used by many on their mobile devices.

We can also reflect on how the electric car industry will or will not take over the markets. We know that in Brazil, car prices are still not so attractive, largely due to a series of external factors.

But the new cars tend to pollute the environment much less, in addition to the fact that they are not gas-powered like most current cars, they will impact the economy of millions of their drivers.

Finally, we can talk about technology combined with solar or photovoltaic energy. Each year you may notice that the electricity bill at your home is getting more expensive, considerably.

But with the arrival of solar energy in force and even here in Brazil, many businessmen and even ordinary people have been looking for its installation, in order to spend less on a source of energy that is also natural, favoring the environment.

What everyone can reach a consensus about the gains with her arrival should always be exposed and thought about. And may our life become even simpler and more sophisticated.


So, did you like to know more about what Technology is and how important it is to our lives? We hope so! As you can see, it's not just today that she's with us.

And it will certainly continue to evolve more and more. Unfortunately, as we mentioned some of them are created for evil, we hope that one day all this will end and it will be used so that good always prevails.

And let the news and inventions come. We'll stay here until next time. A big hug and success ?