Understand what a blog is and why you should have one


It is very likely that you have certainly heard the term Blog many times, right? However, if you go around asking what a blog is, there is a high probability that hundreds of thousands of people will not be able to answer this question correctly.


That is why we have prepared this article where we will explain and exemplify everything for you, here in this article that we have prepared, you will really learn what is really classified as a Blog.


And what are the main reasons for having one, what are the different types, tips on how to get started. And what are the differences for a website or other concepts.

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What is a blog?

The most correct explanation of Weblog or Blog is an explanatory site that can even be called an online diary that always presents new posts at the beginning or top of its page. It is constantly updated and can often be maintained by a small group of people and even by a single person.


Most of the time the subject addressed within the blogs are always related to specific topics. And that's basically all about defining what a blog is.


Even though in recent times the line that divides blogs from sites has become a little bit confusing. But we will address this further on right here in our article.


Find out what it's for:

So now that you know more about what it is, let's find out together what drives people to create a blog. Hundreds of thousands of people and businesses around the world use blogs for a huge variety of reasons. Maybe you have a hobby and would like to share it with others on the internet and to a much larger audience.


Or you are doing a weight loss study and would like to share your research. You can also be a businessman who wants to advertise his products and consequently increase his sales on the web.


Hence it is also known as a diary, and it also has an organization. And she is not paralyzed, as blogs vary greatly in design and form. Where they have evolved a lot in recent times.


See how it works:

The arrangement and organization of a blog consists of a header where the main menu is and also a navigation and contact bar. And the fundamental content area is where you have the most recent and current posts published by the author.


In many there is also a sidebar or (sidebar) as it is known. There are usually placed external links to social networks (Facebook, Instagram, etc), links to more recent or more popular posts. And also information about the author.


And last but not least is the footer, where important information such as terms of use and privacy policies is placed.


All data and all this structure are extremely important and are part of an organization for your visitors, helping them in their navigation, and even for search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo.


Know what is blogging?

A Blogging is nothing more than keeping a blog already made, always writing new posts, sharing and making internal links to new subjects.


Everything had its beginning in the beginning of the year 2000, when many blogs appeared. However, at that time the vast majority of them talked about politics related matters. And soon after, there were new types with tutorials and others on how to do things.


It is of utmost importance to specify the difference between journalism and blogging. Since the trait that separates them has indeed become greater over all these years. So that you better understand the whole concept, we will analyze why they are as popular as they are today.


The amount of blogs, bloggers (as) has increased a lot since its creation. But then why is it so common? They appeared as a new platform for news and information, as did newspapers.


And due to the interest and their popularity, they grew very fast and accelerated. And this is linked to many reasons and factors, for example: you don't need to buy a blog to have access to the information contained there.


Always constantly updated so they don't become obsolete and the simple fact that you can choose to follow only subjects of your total interest. As opposed to having to skip over sections that didn't interest you, like in print newspapers, they certainly helped. But the unanswered question is: Who is behind the blogs?


But what is a blogger anyway?

He is nothing more than a person who divides (shares) his point of view on certain subjects, whether personal or even business online. These subjects can be as diverse as possible. Of arts, politics, technology, cooking, health, etc.


Many bloggers are becoming personalities these days, while for many of them, it's just an extra act. However for others it is literally a serious job. And there are also those who do it for pleasure and relaxation in their spare time. Blogging these days is extremely easy as you can write articles and share content from anywhere in the world.


The Incredible History of Blogging:

Even if the exact date of their appearance is debatable, we decided to simplify this based on the date it was officially launched and registered for the first time.


The term Weblog was originated by “Jorn Barger” on the date of December 17, 1997. Then the term blog appeared after a few years. The design itself is over two decades old, which in terms of the web is a long time.


Having a web address then became much more popular in the early 2000's. A prime example of the influence of blogs and the simple act of blogging or being a blogger can really be seen in 2002 as it was a year where a lot of things happened. important thing.


However, many controversies were created, people were fired from their work for talking about co-workers on their personal page. Causing a tremendous uproar about internet privacy.


Exactly in 2003 the CMS wordpress (Content Management System) was launched, generating a huge revolution in the ease of creating a blog without needing to know programming.


They continued to draw a lot of attention over time. Many of them used advertisements on their websites showing that it was possible profit from them on the internet.


Understand the difference between a website and a blog:

It is very likely that at this very moment you are thinking that a blog and a website are the same thing or vice versa. It may even be difficult to understand what their differences are, but they exist. And as there are many companies and people using the 2 at the same time, it can even be confusing to differentiate between them.



Needs constant updating. Then no less important is your design to keep your visitors super engaged. An excellent way to do this is to allow your visitors to leave their opinions and feedback in the comments field at the end of each post.



A website is a more static (fixed) page. It doesn't need to be constantly updated all the time. Therefore, it is important to take care of the layout of the pages and the format in which they connect in order to encourage visitors to perform actions on it. How to buy for example if it is a virtual store.


But there are also other ways to differentiate them, not just the frequency of updates. A blog usually has a post publication date, author information, tags and categories.


Even if many of them do not have these characteristics, a website does not have any of them. This way we believe it was easier for you to understand the difference between the two.


But why keep a blog?

In the beginning they were just simple communication channels to expose personal opinions, but over time they became much more than that.


Large companies have also started to use blogs in order to inform their customers. The more visitors they received, the more the brand gained recognition.


The possibility of interaction is another factor responsible for their tremendous success on the internet, as the more customer interactions the better for the company.


Several people have also created their blogs with the same intention of making money as well as companies. Besides being able to share their opinions and ideas, make some money then? Who does not like, right?


The most common, practical and simple way to earn money from them is by monetizing them with ads. Just insert Google Adsense, Taboola ads (which most of the time are banners) in strategic parts of the content, and with each click or view on them you already earn a small percentage.



Here in this article was passed a lot of information about what a blog is. So, what do you think about making a quick summary citing the most relevant points of the article?


It is an online 100% space on the internet where you can share and expose opinions, ideas and interests on various subjects including your personal life. Over time, you can build a large following that is passionate about your content.


It's possible make a lot of money on the internet monetizing them with advertising from large companies and even passing on information about matters that need to be disclosed.


Owning a blog and operating like a true blogger can be much more than just a hobby. It could even be a lifestyle or career. Nowadays, it is practically impossible to imagine the world without them present.


If you have your own business, surely a blog can be very beneficial for your business. Just imagine being able to share your knowledge with your audience and build your professional life on top of that.


Our expectation is that you really enjoyed this article and that you learned what a blog is. We are totally crazy about them. We'll stay here, see you later, and much success to you always?



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