What is a Website URL? Its Importance and How to Find It?


If you are looking to know what a website URL is, then know that in English the acronym (URL) Uniform Resource Locator, which translating into our language means Standard Resource Locator. It is a resource on the network along with the internet.

So stay with us, this will be a short tutorial, but where you will learn what the Standard Resource Locator is, why it is important, where and how to find it, structure and more.

And then let's go there for more of this learning? And get to know once and for all what a website URL is!

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Website URL (Google image)

What is it?

As already mentioned at the beginning, you saw that the acronym URL indicates the address of a resource on the network, which can be the address of a website, blog, virtual store, images, videos, documents, among others. This both on the internet and on the intranet as well.

So in this case it is very simple for you and for everyone to be able to identify a URL, see a very simple example, take a quick look at your browser, you will see that our URL is xtudodaweb.com. As is the address of all resources on the network.

It is nothing more than the address that you share with other people so that they can reach your website, which in turn is the internet address so that users can access your website.

What is your importance?

Now that you know what it is, then it's good that you also understand its importance. It may not seem like it, but the URL structure of a website and all the information contained therein speak directly to people of what your business is all about. And it also demonstrates your knowledge in Digital Marketing.

For this reason, it is good to be very attentive when building your online address, as many elements will show visiting users that it is a professional and serious website.

Let's assume that in one of your searches you see a url like this: www.xtudodaweb.com/artigo/56-az. Surely when you see her you won't know what she's about, or will you? Difficult as she just doesn't say anything.

Its importance is so great, and not only for the reader, but also for the robots of search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, because a friendly address like: www.xtudodaweb.com/como-monetizar-um-site . In addition to showing the reader what the article is about, it helps search engines.

Not to mention SEO, because your website URL is certainly the first impression that your potential customer will have about your business. That's why we always recommend creating one that is simple, objective and easy to memorize.

Check out some simple but effective tips that will help your site in terms of SEO techniques, especially when we talk about URLs. He follows:

Long URLs:

Avoid very long URLs, this makes it difficult for people to remember them, so the main address of your website, blog, virtual store, among others, must be short. Because that way it's much easier for people to remember.


Never use numbers, numbers can also get in the way of users and search engines. Therefore, our recommendation is that you use the keyword of the content you want to be positioned on Google. It will be much friendlier and clearer for anyone searching.

Special characters or hyphens:

Another recommendation for you is to never use special characters or hyphens in your website address. These characters will also get in the way of users as well as search engines.

Structure of a URL:

A website URL in its basic form is composed of a schema, a domain of course and a TLD as well. Then the schemas will inform the server which protocol it will use to access the requested resource.

In case you didn't know, Protocol is the http or https that you see right at the beginning before the domain. There are also other types of schema, which in turn can be ftp?//., file://. These elements only inform the server what the purpose of the search is.

And the domain name, also known as hostname, this is the name by which your site will be known, such as: uol.com.br, magazineluiza.com.br, globo.com, etc. And the TLD's can be seen as the categories of sites, and the most famous of them are those ending in .com, .gov and .net.

Locating the website URL:

So, for you to be able to locate the URL of internet resources, the steps are very simple and only require a few quick clicks:

  • Page URL: it is exactly located in the typing field in your browser;
  • URL of images: when clicking on an image, then click with the right button of your mouse, and choose the option “copy link or image address”.

Quick conclusion:

So now you know what a website URL is, where to find it, how important it is, and why this element is essential for your online business. What are you waiting for to start creating your website today?

Choose a good domain name, a good website hosting plan, take your project that you have been keeping in your head and put it on air.

And that was a pretty quick article, but we hope we helped you in some way. We're done here, and success?

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