The Best Popup Plugins For WordPress Sites


We don't know if you know that number, which is actually quite high, but did you know that 70% of all visitors to your website will never come back again? But you can reverse this by using the best Popup Plugins for WordPress websites.

They will then show your website visitors a simple window, containing an email capture form, or a discounted link to a product, among others. All this while the visitor browses your WordPress site.

And this is an excellent way to capture contacts, and thus increase your list much more, and in this way be able to do an excellent job of relationship with your visitors and potential customers through email marketing and sell many more products or services on the web. .

plugin popup wordpress
Popup Plugins For WordPress Sites (Google image)

So we decided to create this short article and show you which are the best popup plugins for WordPress, which will certainly only help you and your online business to win more customers and increase your conversions.

What is a popup?

It is nothing more than the simplest way for you to connect with your visitors, there are several different types of popups where you can and should use them to convert more visitors, offer them discounts, present a new product or service, between others.

Why use?

So now that you know what it is, you certainly want to know why you should use it on your websites, blogs and online stores. Simply because it will be able to grow your website, increase your email contact list, not to mention that you will be having the opportunity to reach those 70% that pass by your website and will not come back.

Best popup plugins for WordPress websites:

Currently there are many WordPress popup plugins for websites, blogs and online stores, but in this content today we will focus on 5 of them, which are the most used, and offer the best features for you, they are:


O OptinMonster is certainly one of the best out there, in addition to being known worldwide, it is used by more than 1 million users. It is actually practically used in digital marketing that has a lot of efficiency both in visitor entry and exit. Its exit popup is able to detect the behavior of visitors, approaching them at the exact moment they are about to leave your site.

This behavioral technology is called SMART, with which you can convert visitors into subscribers of your email marketing list, newsletter forms, and more.

This feature is great for E-commerce sites in general, as it decreases visitors' shopping cart abandonment, thus increasing your conversion rates.

popup maker:

O popup maker It is free and very simple and practical to use. In addition to being one of the most traditional, it already has more than 500,000 installations.

With it you can create almost any type of popup like modal, content and more. And using your editor you will change and do all the size and position control.

Not to mention that it also offers some very interesting options, such as banners, slides, floating stickers, among others. And that you will be able to configure several mental triggers for each of them.

Using Popup Maker you will also be able to configure cookies, so that they control the frequency with which the window is shown to your visitors. It can also be integrated with various contact forms, such as Contact Form 7, or manually through APIs.

We can not fail to mention that it provides an excellent collection of templates (themes), already practically pre-ready for use. The free version of this tool has some limitations, such as scroll triggers and exit popup. But it's still a great tool.

Popup Builder:

This one is also very simple to use, and also has a free version available for you to use on your websites and blogs, or online stores. As Popup Builder in the free version you can then create Html, images, contact forms, capture and much more. You will also be able to define rules, events and special effects.

If you need more features and functions, just purchase their extension, then with it you can enjoy more advanced settings with data based on devices, countries, among others.

The same can also be easily integrated with various email marketing tools and with many different types of contact forms. Not to mention its extension that performs an analysis of visitor behavior activities, so that you can improve your popups.

ARI Fancy Lightbox:

This plugin could never be out of our list, the ARI Fancy Lightbox has a special focus on mobile devices. It supports taps, including double taps, it offers a right drag feature and also provides the minimize and expand functions. And there's more, even in its free version it offers support for all its users.

ARI Fancy Lightbox uses the Mac style “lightbox” on their websites, and with it you can see images from WordPress, FooGallery, NextGEN. And also product image galleries from Wocommerce and Jetpack.

With it you will be able to display videos from Vimeo, YouTube and much more. Not to mention that you can also show your visitors documents in PDF format, inline content with shortcode support, website pages and also Google Maps links.

But if you need many more features and functions than those mentioned, like commenting tools for example, then you will need to buy a license. But we believe that the free version will be enough.

Popup by Supsystic:

O Popup by Supsystic it is also excellent and it offers two options for you to use it which would be a free and a paid version. So know right away that in the free plan you can only use the templates they make available, or create new templates.

It also offers integration with many different types of contact, capture, and signup forms. And you will also be able to easily export your contact list from another platform to it.

To enjoy more features and resources, you'll need to buy a license, and then you'll have more than 60 templates ready to be used. That's not to mention wake-up trigger features like bottom, exit, and screen scrolling.

Supsystic also provides several different types, it is possible to create PDF, iFrames, full screen options, and much more in a popup that will be displayed in the sidebar.

And we can't forget to mention that it also offers features and tools for you to carry out A/B tests, and thus find out which of your campaigns converts the most. And all this can be done in real time, so you can evaluate and improve your version of your popup to convert even more.


So we can conclude that popup plugins for WordPress websites are an excellent way to connect with your visitors, bringing them back to your website.

And with them you will be able to improve the branding of your brand, because when you start to relate to your contact list, then your visitors will be much closer to your business. Capture contacts, offer quality content to your contacts and visitors, provide them with discount coupons and sell much more.

And that's it, that's it for today, we're done here, we hope we've helped you, until next time and much success?