Know the Whole Story About Who Founded Google


Imagining today without using the Google tool is almost impossible since it has become essential in the daily lives of different professions and people, in different contexts. But have you ever wondered Who Founded Google?

A place where you have the opportunity to do research on various subjects in the world's largest search engine, and even use various applications made available by the company, such as classrooms, data storage, among others.

Given the great presence that Google has in our daily lives, you must have already stopped to wonder who founded this company and created so many wonderful tools that are present in our daily lives in such an intense way. And that we would hardly be able to get rid of them, would we?

google quem fundou
Google and its history (Google image)

And it's to answer that question that we've made this material today, where we'll bring you who the creators of Google are, what were the contributions and motivations they had to develop this company and the search platform. Being one of the main functionalities of the company, and also curiosities. Were you curious to discover everything we have prepared for you? If so, let's find out more!

Google Founders:

It was amazingly developed as a PhD idea by two Stanford University PhDs, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, whose main focus in the material they developed was the analysis of the mathematical properties that Internet would have potential.

The search engines available on the Internet until then, such as Yahoo for example, brought a configuration of data search through manual databases, which classified their results in search volumes of terms with possible coupled answers. Giving these answers in this way, I researched those subjects, which were not always such exact materials.

For the search to be more intelligent, it was necessary to develop some kind of specific study in the area, which aimed at an even more complete form of research, not through a database with questions and answers.

But in a more general format that managed to couple data made available within the internet itself, being the ideal worked by Page and Brin, until then dissatisfied with the current search model.

Taking these aspects into account, others tried the idea of developing a search engine that had the ability to analyze not only the volume of searches in relation to a given question, but also the context.

But also the relationship that users had with the pages they visited, the number of searches for that term and also the quality of the links that would be offered to users in response to their questions.

Thus, Page and Brin developed Google, as just a doctoral idea, aiming to enhance the study regarding the effectiveness of search engines in the question-answer process.

With the possibility of making the user experience even more optimized by increasing the quality of the videos offered and making everything according to the users' needs.

Thus, the site went live in January 1996, just as a modification proposal presented for search engines in the students' doctoral thesis.

But 2 years later, it was so successful and became a company. Founded in September 1998, the Google we know today, but it is still a model that was taking its first steps.

Over time, it gained new forms of implementation in its search engine, allowing people not only to search for questions and answers, but also for terms such as: books, videos, shopping, travel, among other forms of presentation such as we know today.

In addition to bringing several applications and functionalities not directly linked to the search engine, but which are quite successful. So now that you know who founded it, or rather who its creators were, let's know a little more about them.

Larry Page:

Lawrence Edward Page, better known as Larry Page, was born in the year 1973 in the city of Lasing, on the 26th of March. He is considered one of the founders of Google.

Since he developed the conception of the idea together with Brin, he was named after the consolidation of Google as a company the first executive director, currently adding a fortune of almost 57 billion dollars.

In 2011 he was considered by time magazine as one of the 100 most influential people in the world due to his enormous contribution to the company and the benefits it brings to society in general worldwide.

Making him a great successful entrepreneur alongside Brin. In 2015, on August 10, Larry stepped down as CEO, leaving space for Sundae Pichai, starting to take charge of the company Alphabet.

Currently, Larry is the CEO of Alphabet, a holding company whose main responsibility is to house Google and other subsidiary companies important news for the world of technology.

Like Fiber, a well-known internet operator, and Nest, a company responsible for manufacturing smart devices in internet of things.

Sergey Brin:

Sergey Mihailovich Brin, better known as Sergey Brin, was born in the year 1973 in the city of Moscow, on the 21st of August. Along with Lary, he founded the company Google, and is currently its former president and president of Alphabet Inc. A company that he manages together with his friend Lary, and which has even greater proportions than the one created by them in 1996, which is Google.

He is the son of Jewish parents and emigrated to the United States with his family in 1979, as a way to escape the anti-Semitism that was being used in his region by the Soviet Union.

From then on, he began to study and dedicate himself to the area of mathematics and computer science, a profession for which he graduated with honors from the University of Maryland. Brin was ranked by Forbes in 2012 as the twenty-fourth richest person in the world, with a net worth of $18.7 million.

But currently counting on almost 53 billion dollars of assets, having as its pioneering company, adding an estimated market value of more than 290 million dollars, with responsibility that it shares since its creation with Lary.

Currently, he is president of Alphabet, working together with his friend and project partner Lary, being one of the main responsible for the development of Google glass.

Not to mention the autonomous cars that belong to the company. It is also considered one of the main responsible for the layout of the homepage of the search engine's official website today.


Now that you know who created Google and also know a lot about its creators, it's time to find out some fun facts about this company. Its creation and its development until today. Let's go!

First apparition:

A first curiosity to highlight about the search engine is that its first appearance is not its creation date, as you may have read just above, where Google appeared to be used privately, as a search engine for study, in the year 1996. Being a company in fact just two years later, in the year 1998, in the month of September.


Another curiosity is that the company did not have that name, the name that would be given to this search engine would be “BackRub”, something very alternative, right?

The name Google was given from the inspiration for the term “Googol”, which is a term used to illustrate very large values, which was thought of as an analogy to the large number of pages displayed by the site at each search. But, as you can see, the name Google and the term Googol have a different spelling and the same pronunciation in common.

That's because Brin and Page only knew one term, but they didn't know how to spell it correctly, which made it form the way it is spelled today. Quickly becoming the company we know today, with the name it currently bears.


Still on the foundation and use of Google, it is worth mentioning that in January 1996 it had a very common interface for the time, somewhat blocked, running only on the servers of Stanford University.

Having, from its enormous potential, the possibility of turning on September 15, 1997 something with the name officially registered, arriving on September 4, 1998 with a service made available to other servers, thus starting its activities in a itself and becoming Google as we know it today, but still in its first steps in interface layout.

How does Google make money?

The platform's main way of generating money is through adverts that third parties make available on their platforms. And that even though it seems to be a very basic way of generating income, it manages to move billions of dollars for the company since it is available for worldwide access and being used by a huge number of people every day.

Allied to this, the company still works with other applications and functionalities that are made available by the company today and that have become essential tools for the day to day of many people, being indispensable products and made available by the company, thus making them earn even more. more money.


Among these applications, functionalities and various products, it is worth mentioning Chrome, which is a search engine application, a browser, available for cell phones, an Android developer from Google itself that is currently present in several cell phones of various brands, managing the main functionalities inside the devices.


G-mail that allows message exchanges, sending and receiving files, hyperlinks, large-scale data storage, causing many people to have accounts hosted on this product.


It is also worth mentioning YouTube, a video platform, which generates so much visibility for many people, being a work tool even, and still generating a lot of money for them every year.


Another highly visible and useful tool is Google Maps, where people can do very specific searches about regions they want to visit, have already visited, or are currently in.

Being able to carry out activities inherent to the location, such as finding people, saying where the establishment is located, making evaluations, leaving comments, and even making purchases, such as accommodation, directly on Google Maps, through platform indications.


There is Google Docs, a text editing tool where you can be developing various materials in doc. and being able to use and share on various platforms, editing whenever you want.


Google Photos is also a very widespread tool, where you can store your data of images and videos from your cell phone through an application with a very easy interface. A simple and intuitive layout and a diversity of features.


These days, as you can see, Google hasn't just focused on selling ad space to third-party companies. But working with specific products from its own brand made this company gain so much visibility and become one of the biggest in the market. In addition to the incredible search engine that pioneered the company.

With this, you can see the indispensability that the company currently has in the daily lives of anyone around the world. Since it has become a company present in everyday life through essential functions, bringing more practicality and functionality to activities that were previously more complicated.

And that becomes much simpler with the products made available by the company, being essential tools.

So that's it folks, let's wrap up here, we hope you enjoyed reading this text, we're done here and a success?