Meet All Types of Web Developers


We don't know if you know, but in the programming sector there are three different types of web developers, which are: Front-End, Back-End and Full Stack. Each of them has characteristics, of course one different from the other, even following a specific programming language.

So if you choose to be a Front-End, know right away that it will be necessary to develop the application screens designed by the Architect and also by the Designer. Not to mention, you'll also need to master CSS, JavaScript, and HTML completely.

If you choose to be a Back-End, then know that he is the one who deals directly with the customer, not to mention that having knowledge in programming languages is essential.

desenvolvedores web - tipos
Types of Web Developers (Google image)

And if you're determined to be Full Stack, know that he's the most complete of all of them among the three. It does Front-End and Back-End. Therefore, it is essential to have a very broad knowledge of all tasks.

But do you really know which type of web developer fits your profile? Do not know! So stay with us until the end of this text that we will explain better about the 3 existing types. So, let's find out more and choose which one you want to be?

Main features:

So if you really decided to act as a web developer, you need to know what are the characteristics of all the types that you need to have to become one of them.

And since our interest here is always to help, we have prepared a basic list with some characteristics that any type of developer needs to have, which can be a Front-End, Back-End or Full Stack. Check out what they are:

Front End:

The Front-End is that professional who works with frameworks, programming languages and also libraries. He, in turn, must be able to analyze the designer's work, and thus be able to follow the same line of design. And that's why he needs to know at least the basics about software, such as:

  • photoshop
  • illustrator
  • CorelDraw
  • sketch
  • Adobe XD

These programmers, in turn, do not need to know how to develop Back-End code, but they must know the main fundamentals of software architecture.

After all, the codes that the two professionals develop need to speak the same language, in order to guarantee the success of the project.

A Front-End never deals directly with servers or complex databases, and also has no experience with design. But even so, it is very important to have experience in the subject, as many companies hire them to create websites and blogs.

Back End:

A Back-End is largely responsible for the integrity of all codes, thus ensuring that all functionalities are executed correctly.

Know that normally those who specialize in this area are not recommended to create websites and blogs, but in turn they know the rules of the business like no one else, for example they know everything about servers and databases. So know that to be a Back-End you will have to specialize in several programming languages, such as:

  • python
  • PHP
  • C#
  • JavaScript

And it is also necessary to know how to publish applications correctly, which will require knowledge in services such as AWS or Azure. And you also have to know Docker, for creating containers.

Full Stack:

As we already mentioned at the beginning of the article, Full Stack is the most complete of them all, as it operates both in the Front-End and in the Back-End. And it has the ability to deliver a project from its beginning, middle and end.

Know that it is very difficult to find programmers who have all this knowledge, and precisely because of this he is one of the most valued and well paid in the entire market. Look, how about specializing in everything and making more?

So, among the three types mentioned, have you already managed to choose which one is yours? Is it Front-End, Back-End or Full Stack? Not yet. Keep with us and we'll talk about the advantages and disadvantages of each one.

Advantages and disadvantages:

Now that you know a little more about the types of developers that exist, it is also important to know the advantages and disadvantages of each one of them, which are:

A Front-End works most of the time with the type of programming language that is JavaScript. Which could be very good, for the simple fact that it is the fastest growing language.

So in addition to working with the web, you can also learn to application creation for mobile and desktop, and also create games. Not to mention that it is also possible to tackle Back-End work. And it is for these reasons that many companies need these professionals, which means that there will always be a market available. Is there slots.

In turn, the disadvantage of this type of developer is the need to know how to create codes that allow users to use them regardless of their operating system or browser.

Not to mention that you should also be concerned about always being able to deliver the best experience of all, which will require file optimization, such as:

  • css
  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • and pictures

As for the Back-End, there is no need to worry about the browser version or the device being used by the user when creating the code. Because he will be running it only on a single machine configured by himself.

The disadvantage of choosing to be this type of developer is that most of the time the professional specializes in just one programming language. Thus limiting the places where he could work.

Let's assume that the developer is much more familiar with JavaScript, it is very unlikely that he will work in a company that uses Python.

So among all the types, the one that stands out the most is the Full-Stack, it can work in several places, not to mention that you can even choose the vacancy which pays better.

But on the other hand, as he needs to know about Back-End and Front-End, he must keep himself as updated as possible. Even though we are in the midst of a huge evolution of technology. It can even be a big challenge to keep up.


Now that you know the different types of web developers that exist, you already know the advantages and disadvantages of each type. What you need to do is find the type that fits and offers more benefits according to your profile.

If you like creating websites, always aiming to ensure the best usability for users in different types of browsers, have basic knowledge about design, then Front-End is for you.

But if your specialty is the programming languages, and if you prefer to worry only about execution, then the ideal thing for you would be to become a Back-End.

And if that's the case for you, being a qualified professional, who really likes to do a lot of things when it comes to programming, know that you have enormous chances of becoming a successful Full-Stack.

We are going to stop here, we hope we have helped, a big hug and success ?