Learn How To Program On Free Websites


A lot of people are curious about programming, but in fact they don't even put it into practice. That's why we decided to make a special article for you who want to learn how to program.

So if you want to further improve your knowledge on the subject, but unfortunately you have only come across courses with very high costs, even out of your reality.

That many of them are not even in recognized institutions, or that you can't trust them. Or if you want to know much more about the subject, you are in the right article. Here we will make an excellent explanation.

como aprender programacao
Program On Free Sites (Google image)

Of course, we couldn't leave out the best platforms and the best sites for you to learn for free. Becoming an excellent expert in programming.

All this without having to invest a single penny. You will see that you can learn, with the acquisition of knowledge, of course. And you will also communicate with other people who have the same interest.

Ready? So before we get to the main subject, know what programming is, how and when it came about, what it really is for, what you can do with it and get to know some types of programming languages.

What is programming?

Programming is basically instructing things to work the way they were programmed. Imagine that you are the president of a large organization with many employees. Within an organization it is very common situations such as: could you please make me and deliver the report by this time.

Note that there are instructions from the director of the organization. And he certainly expects his orders to be carried out, of course. And executed according to their planning without any changes. So that's programming, not without getting directly involved with people.

But with programming codes and programming languages, which in turn command the operation of thousands of things in devices such as:

  • Computers;
  • Software;
  • Mobile devices;
  • Apps;
  • Electronic games;
  • Electronic appliances and home appliances;
  • Robots.

How and when did it come about:

Programming does not have a specific date, but by all indications it began back in the 1930s, with the first computers that were electric.

But it was only in 1948 that Konrad Zuse published his creation, which was the programming language plankalkul, but as at that time it had no use so it was forgotten.

Before programming reached the computers of the world, cardboard cards were used, which in turn were perforated, and thus the codes were created.

But it was only in the 1950s that the first programming languages began to emerge. It was later in the 70's that many programming paradigms were broken.

In the 1980s, many important languages emerged, but only in the 1990s, when the internet and computer networks appeared like a bolt of lightning, did programming take new directions.

But what is programming for?

Programming is nothing more than the main support foundation that moves the world of technology. It's everywhere, for example:

  • Cell phones;
  • Televisions;
  • Computers;
  • Home appliances;
  • And on everyone else.

And the main function of the programmer is to create codes using programming writing languages so that all the above mentioned works perfectly well.

The act of programming then serves to make sure that a device will really work. For example, if you turn on your smartphone now and the operating system will start working.

Or that it will not perform a function other than the one programmed. It would be very annoying if the cell phone started to restart in sequence. Or it started deleting files like photos and videos without the user asking. People would be furious about that, and so would we, right!

You also definitely use apps in their day-to-day lives, and they know that many of them ask users to register to complete an online purchase. So that's where the programming is.

It serves to ensure that customer data and information are stored in the database (BD) of the App operating system itself. Thus preventing him from being taken to another page he does not want.

What can we do with programming?

Chances are, you've already thought about what kinds of things you'd want to create by developing and using programming language codes. The possibilities are endless, as everything will depend on your total interest in knowing what kind of thing you would like to work on and specialize in.

For this reason, we have listed below an excellent list of what kind of projects you can run as a programmer. Let's go to them:

Website creation:

You have nowhere to run, because anyone who really wants to establish themselves on the internet needs to have a website. It is through it that your business, whether it be a physical company, or a virtual online sales store, or a blog that offers high quality content, will gain visibility on the web, in addition to being available 24 hours a day to thousands of users.

A web site holds all the data and information created by you. So they are automatically available to other people on the web as soon as the content is posted, add products to the store or customize information about your company.

So by learning programming, you can create any and all types of websites using programming languages to decide what information to save on your website. You can also over-optimize the shape of how visitors will access your site and how they will interact with it.

Create apps:

Mobile devices have become so popular that the number of apps offered in app stores has rapidly multiplied. Stores like Google Play and iTunes are loaded every day with thousands of new things for users to download, try the app and then buy.

And to create applications then you have to learn to program, who knows you might become the next master in app creation for mobile devices. You need to have a lot of creativity, and know how to use it to be able to develop things that really solve people's problems. Or else manage to make their day to day easier.

The more people's pain you can touch, and the size of your app's efficiency, the faster people will download it. And be sure that if they like it, feeling happy and satisfied, most likely they will share your product with other people around them.

If you already have a super idea with some notions about programming languages, then you can start today. Both Apple and Google companies provide free tools and programs to encourage you to create your first application.

Develop operating systems:

In case you didn't know, the operating system is the main program (software) on a computer. Among all existing ones, the most famous are Windows from the giant Microsoft.

Without an operating system, no computer works, because it simply cannot load the activities and functionalities that the user wants to perform. These activities are commands that the user requests to the computer, with the purpose of executing some instructions, such as:

  • Uninstall a program that you no longer use;
  • Use a virtual calculator;
  • Create spreadsheets;
  • Play your favorite games;
  • And much more.

If you know programming, then you can develop your own operating system. And in it include the functions and features designed for each user you want to conquer.

But also know that there are open source operating systems, which in turn are free of intellectual property. Like Linux for example, which is one of the most famous and well-known.

This operating system model will allow the user himself to be able to manipulate the programming language, and make adaptations in the way he wants, so he can even add new features. It is even allowed to sell the version created by you, which is still an excellent way to earn money on the web.

Develop games:

The games industry is the fastest growing in the entire planet, just to give you an idea of the collections of the games sector, it profits more than the music industry. Does this market have potential? What do you think?

You can team up with other people who are also programming lovers and develop games together. Would it be interesting for you to get a job at Sony or Nintendo?

Here in Brazil you can work in game development companies. Here in Brazil alone, the sector grew by 600% in the last 8 years.

Remember the previous topic when we mentioned mobile apps, know that 90% of Google Play's profit comes from games that are available in app stores. This is an excellent opportunity for anyone who wants to be a programmer and specialize in the subject even more.

Develop enabling tools:

Of course, we all love facilities to streamline our day-to-day commitments, don't we? An electronic device that records your favorite movies so you can watch them later. Or a virtual agenda that organizes your events.

Anyway, all these occasions we need tools to streamline our daily routines. And as a result of all this, these tools help us speed up the execution of tasks, making them more productive. So as a programmer, you can simply develop ideas to make them even more efficient.

Just saw how much can be created and developed with programming. And now before we get into the main subject let's learn more about programming languages which are very important.

What are programming languages:

The programming language is nothing more than a formal language, which uses a series of instructions and commands. Which in turn allow the programmer to write a set of orders, actions, data and algorithms to develop programs that manage to control the physical operation of a machine or equipment.

Therefore, know that programmers and machines (equipment) communicate through the programming language, thus allowing to specify many aspects with much more precision, such as:

  • Which data a software must operate;
  • How and in what form this data should be stored and transmitted;
  • And what actions the software should perform.

So a programming language is a highly structured communication system. Which is composed of numerous sets of symbols, keywords, and also semantic and syntactic rules, which will allow understanding between programmers and machines.

Programming languages that you must learn and fully master:

As you already know, programming is a sector that encompasses several languages. And as there are several fields for you to work as a programmer, then it is normal that in the beginning you feel a little lost in what you will specialize in to face the excellent opportunities of this giant market.

For this reason, we have specially prepared for you a list containing to the most used programming languages in the worldO. This will serve as a kind of thermometer for yourself, so you can guide yourself. Considering that if you learn to program and manage to master at least one of the languages, you will have a great chance of becoming a successful programmer.

Let's go to them:


The C programming language was created in the year 1972, but that doesn't mean that it is outdated, on the contrary. It undergoes continuous improvements, being one of the most used and popular languages in the world of programming.

It is an accessible language, and the programmer, when working with the C language, has much more autonomy, simplicity and practicality to develop and create projects without requiring large technical hardware resources.

The C language is widely used in software programming, or in features that are directly related to the hardware of a device or apparatus.

With it, it is possible to create and develop operating systems, databases, text editors and also programs that handle and edit images.


The C++ language emerged in the 80s and is based on the C language, but with many more advanced improvements, and directly aimed at publications and complex solutions in the computing world.

A programmer specialized in C++ will be able to develop electronic games, audio players, programs that deal with images. In addition to operating systems and also text editors.


C# programming language was created and released by Microsoft company in the year 2002. It arrived to improve application development.

But you should know that they are not applications for electronic devices and mobile devices. But for projects and solutions for the .NET Framework platform, which belong to Microsoft.

Its main difference is in its coding syntax, which was based on C++ and Java languages. If you already master some of them, then you will learn C# with ease.


This language was created in the 90's and can be used for different purposes in programming. With it, it is possible to create web apps, solutions for operating systems, games, and even develop artificial intelligence for industries in the robotics area. Its syntax is clear and modern, which is what has made it so popular in recent years.

Thus allowing programmers to write codes that are much more readable and organized, and that present much greater work productivity when related to other types of language.


Created in the 90s, the Java language is still one of the most used programming languages today. Even dividing opinions, its code syntax is very similar to older languages, such as C.

The great highlight of the Java language is that it is cross-platform. Therefore, when the programmer creates and finalizes the code, it becomes fully available to be used on other platforms.

That's why mastering Java is of paramount importance, because then the developer will have a huge market of mobile devices and applications to explore. Especially on mobile devices with the Android operating system, which is the most used in the world.


Under no circumstances could we fail to mention the Php language here in our article. This is simply because it is one of the most used in the world. Php is the acronym for Personal Home Page, which soon after was transformed into Php (Hypertext Preprocessor).

Php programming language is mainly used to create websites on the internet. Elá is also widely used in content managers, known as (CMS).

Which in turn have several resources for posting texts, videos, photos and links. Which is the case with major platforms like WordPress, Drupal and Joomla.

One of the great differentials of this language is its portability, thus being able to be used in several different platforms with the creation of only a single code script.

In addition to being patent-free and completely open to the community, which makes programmers even more encouraged and motivated to create and develop improvements.


You might be wondering why we haven't mentioned Html as a programming language yet. To be honest with you, we didn't forget about him.

We just made a point of leaving it last because Html is not considered a programming language format. So how will you learn Html if you won't be programming using this language?

But then what is Html?

Html is the abbreviation of Hyper Text Markup Language, which stands for Hypertext Markup Language. As you can see, the name of the language already says that this type of language is not intended for programming. But yes to do text markup, data structuring and adjust information shown on a web page.

The term Html was mistakenly associated with programming for the simple fact that the programmer uses this technology to develop hypertexts for reading in internet browsers.

But it only serves to position and insert information, not manipulating it. So for this simple reason Html cannot be considered a programming language.

Php, JavaScript or C++, among others already mentioned here. These are indeed programming languages, as they manage to give orders and instructions to the systems so that they perform the tasks that were programmed to be performed.

How to learn programming for free:

So now you have a much more solid foundation on programming, what it's for, and what can be done with it. And you also know more about the types of languages you should focus on, now you are ready to start your journey and achieve success in this area.

And since our intention here is always to help you, know that one of the most common ways to learn to program is through educational institutions that offer courses in the area of Information Systems and Computer Science. The first is completely focused on programming for computer networks, and the second is completely focused on the logic of computational systems.

But the big problem of all is knowing the quality of these courses, and the study materials available to train really capable programmers.

Not to mention that the investment to have access to these trainings can reach somewhat high numbers. And this unfortunately discourages the student causing him to give up learning.

But you can rest assured that this too has a solution. Nowadays, with the advancement of the internet, you can learn programming and study without having to leave your home, doing everything on the web. And to make it even better, you'll be able to learn programming for free, without having to invest a single penny from your pocket.

So now that long-awaited time has come for you to prepare yourself to specialize in an area of interest in programming without taking money out of your pocket.

That's why we prepared a complete list containing several websites and platforms where you can really learn, they are websites of renowned companies and institutions.

Sites and platforms with free courses for you to learn:

Going forward, you will find an excellent list of websites and platforms that provide free training and knowledge for people who want to learn and specialize in the subject.

Many of them offer certificates of completion, which is great for you, because that way you can really prove that you studied and learned. And better than that, it is able to develop games, programs, apps and much more.

Many websites and platforms mentioned here also offer communities and forums to share ideas, experiences and information with other students of programming.

Just remembering that some of them are in English, but many already have a lot of material in Portuguese, but don't ignore them. Perhaps you will need to understand the language or have someone help you to understand the lessons and start learning.

Code Academy:

A Code Academy is among the largest teaching platforms in the area of programming, in addition to being a reference and one of the most used in the world.

So for those who want to learn this platform is ideal. They usually address introductory studies, presenting projects for students to practice activities to develop. In addition, of course, to specific classes on the main programming languages, which are:

  • JavaScript
  • css
  • PHP
  • python
  • jQuery
  • ruby
  • HTML

The platform also offers other types of courses, but its main focus is programming.


O BitDegree offers a huge variety and free courses ranging from game development and programming. They offer online courses in a conventional way and another with gamification systems. Courses available in gamification systems enrich achievements and interaction during the learning process.

The only thing you will need to do is choose the course language and start your studies. They offer a wide variety of languages, but the most popular and addressed are:

  • css
  • PHP
  • JavaScript
  • SQL
  • jQuery
  • HTML

BitDegree will also allow you to incorporate Blockchain into your learning process. Because there are rewards beyond an achievement system.

This serves to help businesses succeed in recruiting talent in technology, in addition to being able to measure the success of their courses offered on the platform.

Free Code Camp:

O Free Code Camp It's a huge community beyond giant totally specialized in open source programming. This platform is very interesting, as it offers daily challenges, such as projects to be developed, and with that they also award students with certificates on programmer quality.

The great differential of this excellent platform is that the student can do everything according to his/her time, without having to worry about schedules, among other things.

All courses and training taught here are 100% free, and the student also has an excellent tool that will help him find other programmers close to him.

And whenever you have skills already developed, you can sign up for more advanced level challenges and also non-profit engineering projects. Get to know some of the languages covered by them:

  • css3
  • javascript
  • node.js
  • React.js
  • D3.js
  • HTML5
  • Database
  • Git and GitHub

And if you need help, you can count on the help of the platform's user communities.

MIT Open Courseware:

O MIT Open Courseware offers all professional training courses including undergraduate degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Even if you are not part of the institute, you will still receive training at the institution level.

They make a lot of study materials available, and many of them are computer science focused. So you can complete an entire graduation or opt for individual training. For example, you can find an introductory course in programming languages such as:

  • W
  • C++
  • Python and Java

Code School:

O Code School It is an excellent online platform that offers free courses and also paid courses. Currently, it has more than 1 million students worldwide.

The platform has a slightly different organization than the others in its learning system. It works this way:

  1. You are the one who will choose the education path created by the platform's instructors, and will work with the material you receive from them;
  2. You practice what you learned right in your browser window on your computer, and at the same time you receive the instructor's opinion;
  3. At each learning stage you will accumulate points until you complete the course;
  4. In your student area you can monitor your progress, such as achievements, materials consumed and stamps received.

Check out some languages covered by the platform:

  • ruby
  • Elixir
  • PHP
  • python
  • iOS
  • Databases
  • HTML and CSS
  • JavaScript

It is certainly an excellent platform for those who want to learn and become an excellent professional.

Dash General Assembly:

O Dash General Assembly is a free online 100% training that will teach you all the concepts and basic commands of web development. And all this can be done in your own browser.

You will learn languages such as CSS3, JavaScript and HTML5. And how these language formats work together to craft a stunning modern website.

You will also have to come up with several small projects, which also use these types of languages together consecutively at the same time. So know right away that you will need to create a website.

With the Dash platform, you will have a deeper understanding of development and then create a website. This platform is great for beginners who have no experience with programming and development.


the platform Codewars it's just fantastic, it's a platform for those who really like challenges and want to refine their skills. It basically works that way, the user receives the daily programming challenges, and as soon as he fulfills his tasks, he will gain more experience and also go up a level.

But be aware that the difficulty of daily tasks and challenges is progressive, becoming more and more complex. You will always be able to ask questions and consult solutions by interacting with other users and students of the platform through the community they provide.

And the funniest thing of all is that depending on the level you reach, you can create your own challenges. And you can also make these challenges and tasks available for other students on the site to try to solve.

In fact, it is an intelligent exchange of experiences to further enrich everyone's knowledge. Check out some languages you'll learn in Codewars:

  • C#
  • ruby
  • python
  • Java
  • SavScript
  • SQL

It's really cool to be exchanging tasks between students, learning this way will be even more enjoyable and motivating.

The Odin Project:

O Odin Project takes all the guesswork out of web site development. For when you are trying to learn on your own then things can get difficult and difficult to keep up with the whole process of developing all the necessary skills.

It may even be that you know the pieces that make up the puzzle, but you don't know how to fit them in the right place. For this reason this platform has developed a very logical process, coming from the best online education sources.

You will also be able to learn to develop many projects during your training, which in turn will be a super active community always available to help you if you have questions. Here at Odin Project you will learn with the following programming languages:

Code Conquest:

  • git
  • javascript
  • Ruby and Ruby On Rails
  • Databases
  • HTM
  • css

O Code Conquest is a super platform that will help you learn the basics of programming. Even if you've never written a single line in your life, much less know what programming is, then this site will definitely help you a lot to get out of square one.

In it you will be guided through the following learning processes:

  1. First, learn what programming is;
  2. Choose which languages you want to learn;
  3. The site will encourage you to always be improving your knowledge;
  4. Being able to apply your knowledge and skills to real-life, everyday problems.

The site also provides a huge variety of classes and tutorials for the following programming languages listed below:

  • JavaScript
  • PHP
  • ruby
  • python
  • mysql
  • jQuery
  • HTML

In addition to the languages mentioned above, you will also receive recommendations to further improve and speed up your learning. With tools and also other platforms.


O code.org is available in Portuguese, and is more focused on teaching programming for children, and because of this the contents are more suitable for them. Not that you can't participate, feel free. Course modules are even divided by age, from kindergarten through university level.

Here you will be able to throw yourself headlong into many hours of excellent free classes. And the coolest thing is that the site manages to bring the content of the classes closer to the true universe of children. For this reason, it is possible to find many contents such as:

  • Films;
  • Star Wars;
  • Electronic Games like Flappy Bird and Minecraft.

Code Avengers:

you will love the Code Avengers, because if you like to create electronic games, applications or websites, this is definitely for you. The Code Avengers online programming course platform offers training focused on the language of each specialty you want to learn.

It has study materials from beginner to advanced levels. Here you will learn by practicing for real. This way you will create your own portfolio and still follow all your progress and performance through a platform with an attractive and very responsive layout.

The site also provides a lot of content in Portuguese, which will help you a lot. On this platform you will learn languages such as:

  • css
  • python
  • javascript
  • jQuery
  • Systems development
  • HTML

Khan Academy:

In no way could we fail to mention the khan academy, it is practically the pioneer platform in free online teaching of programming. Excellent opportunity for beginners to get a taste for the thing and become excellent programmers.

The site provides all students with didactic material and very intuitive videos. They also offer specialization in games and animations. And if you like, they have other courses of study focusing on math, economics and music.

All training on the platform is licensed by top experts, and students are encouraged to share what they learn at every stage of the process. At Khan Academy you will very easily master programming languages such as: CSS, JavaScript, Database and Html.

Web Fundamentals by Google:

One of Google's creations, which was previously called HTML5 Rocks, and today is Web Fundamentals by Google. Its main objective is to provide high quality tutorials on the latest programming practices from around the world.

The platform is more recommended for those developers and users who are already at intermediate or advanced levels, so have prior knowledge before entering this platform.

And if you happen to be looking for an excellent source of knowledge, to add to what you already know. Then Web Fundamentals by Google will help you a lot.


A Udemy is an excellent digital platform, which also provides content in Portuguese, and has numerous online programmer courses. It offers tact paid courses as well as free courses.

And if you do a good search on the internet you will find several discount coupons for excellent paid training that will be almost free. On the Udemy platform you will find many options for development courses, where you will learn:

  • Game development;
  • Creation of websites aimed at E-commerce;
  • Systems development;
  • Any programming language you want to learn;
  • Application development and mobile applications.


She is practically the queen of all programming platforms around the world, the Coursera is virtually a leader in internet distance learning. Here classes are given by professors from the most prestigious universities and also by some renowned teaching centers on the subject.

On this platform you will come across a huge offer of programming courses. From the most introductory training, to the most complex possible, which are administered by the renowned University of London.

Many study materials are available in videos, not to mention the huge amount of amazing exercises to practice. The vast majority of courses are free, but the user also has the option of paying if he wants to go deeper into the subject and master programming once and for all. On Coursera you will find several courses, such as:

  • Introduction to programming
  • python
  • Java
  • W
  • IoT Programming
  • HTML
  • css


Programming is an excellent area to work in, but it requires a lot of commitment and dedication to learn and especially to master it. You will invest hours if you really want to learn everything you want. But as so many options to learn programming are available for free, you will definitely learn by dedicating yourself a lot.

Know that there are many paid courses out there on sites and platforms, but the sites mentioned here that provide free courses for you to learn how to program are already more than enough. In them you will begin your walk in the universe of programming, and you will learn a lot of necessary basic knowledge.

Know that you don't need to take all the courses mentioned in this article, so choose one according to your profile. After that, it's time to dive headlong into knowledge.

We stop here, and we wish you much success as a programmer ?