What is Content Marketing? Types and Why Do?


Content Marketing is very important if you intend to create a lasting relationship with your audience and customers. In this way, you will be able to enhance the name of your brand.


It is among the best and most efficient strategy to be able to generate more contacts for your business at a much lower cost. But it is logical that you need to do this correctly and assertively.


Here in this article you will learn much more about content marketing, what it is, why to do it and apply it in your business, what types and the best tips to succeed with this fantastic strategy. So let's learn more about this powerful strategy!

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What is Content Marketing?

It is nothing more than the practice of promoting your brand or your products using different tactics as a way of exploiting the market and advertising.


That's why it's an incredible tactic that uses very creative resources and materials, for example: posting on social networks like Instagram and Facebook, blogs and video marketing. Always with the aim of getting more public engagement.


In short, it's knowing how to reach your audience by always offering content of great value, and that is highly relevant to clear up the problems they have once and for all.


Being very different from sponsored advertisements, Content Marketing is not directly linked to advertising a particular product or service. The great and greatest objective of the digital marketing always has been and always will be to build a relationship with your audience.


And this always indirectly manages to turn them into potential customers who actually buy.


Why do?

If your intention is to save money and achieve much more results, then obviously it is worth investing in your business, however while your business does not come close to the 2,500% advance as is the case of the giant Airbnb with the content campaign.


Using it correctly you will create a much better and more efficient connection with your target audience. Which will then result in much higher conversion rates.


Of course you must be wondering now, but why is this strategy an excellent choice for my business? Keep with us and you'll find out.



Virtually 90% of all businesses around the world generate content to get more and more people engaged, and that's because the tactics used are highly impressive.


Check out this example from KISS METRICS, a company that developed a tool that analyzes and optimizes digital results.


Using a strategy KISS METRICS managed to generate more than 2.5 million visitors, more than 40,000 interactions on Twitter, and more than 20,000 likes on his posts on Facebook.


Their visits generated so much revenue that they still have reserves to this day to continue investing, so constant creation of instructional content will always help to engage people and profitably build your brand awareness.



The low cost benefit:

Even if you are a small, medium or large company, Content Marketing will certainly have to offer economical models to promote your products and or services.


You can and should start by sharing your content on several different social networks, always looking to expand your brand and audience.


A very interesting idea is to have a blog related to your business, write and produce texts about your business and its products, and immediately after publishing the article on the blog, then try to share it on social networks as well.


And another very important tip is, always look for create valuable content, the better the chances of increasing your visits in the organic searches of your site.


Organic traffic that comes from search engines is pretty much all website and blog owners want, as this type of unpaid traffic comes from search engines that find content relevant and informative. Speaking in a more simplified and direct way, people look for information online all the time using internet search engines.


So for your text to be shown in the first results of the first page of a search, it has to be fully optimized for SEO and your information has relevance both for the search engine and for the visitor.


Virtually all internet traffic originates from the first page of Google results. Therefore, producing quality content is extremely important if you want to rank among the top positions.


Long term:

If you really want engagement with your customers, then the best way is to try to help them solve the problems they might encounter, of course within your area of expertise.


Its main objective is to instruct people with relevant information that is useful to them. That way the link between you and the customer becomes durable.


So, in order to be able to do this, purchasing route tactics are used, for example: information and brand recognition, attention and decision-making.


The first phase of the buying path is about building a strong online presence. The second is to try to teach people how to choose the best products or services. And the last one of course is when they make the decision to buy or not to buy. It is clear that all 3 phases are very important, but the main focus is usually on the first 2 with much more strength.


That's why it's a long-term strategy. And you can expect a clear and noticeable increase in your sales when they start. Let's say it's a long-term application.


What are the types?

So now that you are aware that Content Marketing is extremely important for your strategy, we will now mention what types are.



If you already have one blog personal for you or even for your company, this strategy is certainly an excellent business. But the profits will be even greater if it is a company.


If you try to write an excellent article, this will reveal your expertise in the sector in which you operate, in addition to building a relationship of extreme trust with your audience.


Blogs are very popular and they soon reached the mark of more than 32 million bloggers (as) by 2021, this in the United States alone. Did you understand the potential of a blog for your business?


But let it be clear here that competition in this type of marketing is high. It is therefore essential to try to find out how attract more and more visitors, if you want a huge audience.


Social media:

We could not leave out social media in any way, they are the type of content that promote the highest degree of user engagement.


It has the reverse function, which unlike you to search blogs, users only need to click on the follow button and thus get updates on subjects that interest them. Very simple right!



Newsletters are certainly another excellent type, because when a user subscribes to your list (by signing your email) then the door opens for you.


An excellent way to transform subscribers into potential clients, for this reason the newsletter is excellent when you want to establish a stronger relationship with your client or potential client. The secret is to always pass on to the subscriber the best you can develop.


Once again you must be wondering, but what is the best content for the newsletter? The answer is quite simple, for example: always think of something your audience would like. Valuable information always makes the difference. Always try to personalize the newsletter so that this link between you and the customer is even stronger.


White Papers:

White Papers are nothing more than official documents presented by companies with the purpose of highlighting features of their products or services.


This format reveals factual evidence based on extensive research and testing. In this way, marketers seek to be influencing their audience to buy products without using more enhanced ads.



If you want to present information using a custom layout, infographics are perfect for this. Over time and as people begin to better understand visual information, then using infographics to engage is very effective.


In addition, infographics serve for many types of publication, such as: digital media update, blog post, press, etc.


But be careful, because this type of material is somewhat complicated to apply. Therefore, try to invest in creating posts that are visually attractive and creative. If you can't make your infographic yourself, look for a freelancer to make it for you, there are many on the market.


How to begin?

Knowing that it is a tactic that involves strategies and a good team of qualified people working together in order to achieve the same objective: to increase internet sales.


As previously mentioned it is a long-term strategy, for this reason its process must be very well executed. Know the 3 points that go together:


  • Action: the action plan always has the main focus on customers, for this reason knowing the public is essential;
  • Implementation: the main objective of implementation is correct concepts, using, of course, content marketing;
  • Review: Review is the way to analyze data to then replicate successful efforts and avoid unsuccessful ones.


Knowing your target audience:

Why and why should knowing your target audience always come first? If you manage to define who your target Audience, then you'll soon know what you're going to do with your campaign. And for that, it's essential that you know your persona.


The persona is nothing more than the profile of your perfect client, this profile or personality will show you what pains and problems he needs to solve. Having this information in hand, it is enough to create content for your target audience.


For example, if you own a car leasing company, then you have to know who the people who lease cars are, how long they keep the leased vehicles, so you know how much revenue you can expect.


Finding your niche:

So now it's time to craft content for targeted audiences, and in doing so, the targeted audience should always be in mind. Don't limit yourself to thinking only about the type of content, but what you will deliver of value to them. Always keep in mind that a different audience needs a different strategy as well.


For this reason, never send a newsletter just because you have their e-mail, for sure they will consider it spam and will not like it.


Instead, you can and should use social media and blogs for the purpose of attracting your target audience. From there you can create a segmented email list using newsletters.



After segmenting your target audience with the ideal content for them, you will now need to evaluate your strategy. Knowing how to analyze the applied strategy is very important, because only then will you know what worked or not. So by analyzing the strategy you can improve what you did.


So to do this efficiently, you need metrics (data, information). And in the case of the purchase journey, each of them has a metric.


In the initial stage that is your brand recognition, most likely use blogs and social networks. So to see and measure these stages and metrics you can use data like:


  • Visitors: how many visitors (people) access your blog;
  • Bounce rate: how often visitors enter and leave the blog;
  • Votes: number of votes on your posts on social networks;
  • Likes and comments: how many likes and comments your posts have on social media;
  • Link Sharing: How often your posts are shared.


Note: in the phase of attention or recognition of your brand, the newsletter is basically what you will use. You will be able to get metrics like:


  • Delivery rates: the amount of emails that reach your customers who signed up for your newsletter;
  • Social sharing rate: the amount of the newsletter that was shared on social networks;
  • Opening and click-through rate: number of clicks on links in emails sent by you.


It is logical that the results may vary, which is why data analysis is so important. Because the sooner you detect that something is not working well, the time to improve.


Brief conclusion:

Content Marketing is an excellent tactic to generate long-term engagement with customers or potential customers, always giving them value.


This strategy is excellent because it really has a very strong impact, it is economical and has an excellent cost-benefit ratio, with the purpose of achieving long-term goals. There are several types on the market today, such as:


  1. blogs and websites;
  2. Newsletters;
  3. Social media;
  4. Whitepapers;
  5. Infographics.


Always look for the best models for your campaigns, and never forget to follow these steps if you intend to use strategies, they are:


  • Know your target audience in detail;
  • Find your niche;
  • Analyze the metrics, data, and results of your campaigns.


So now that you know what Content Marketing is, let's put your strategy into practice and multiply your sales, maybe even triple them?



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