Learn How to Write Quality Content for Blogs


One of the maxims that you will hear when you start studying content marketing strategy and, consequently, SEO is: ?Content is king?. That's true, but people hardly explain how he got there and took the crown, assuming that it all started with the internet, and that there's only one way to know how to write quality content for blogs.

Writing good blog content is closely related to the ability to answer questions, and understand what questions are being asked.

Let's talk about these questions, how to answer them and what mistakes no one can make when writing relevant content for blogs.

como criar conteudo de qualidade para blogs
How to Write Quality Content for Blogs (Google Image)

What is quality content?

For us, quality content is one that really meets all the needs of the research carried out by the persona, solving and solving their problems and pains.

So we can say that quality content is simply the one that manages to win over the reader. And know that excellent content only brings positive results for any online business.

What are the fundamental questions for writing good blog content?

First of all, you need to ask yourself what your blog is about and what its purpose is. The goal may just be to share your views with the world, inform, generate content as part of a marketing strategy, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that the content needs to be consistent with its proposal.

In a simple example, we wouldn't post an article about Harry Styles' latest album on a car blog or my Tesla take on a music blog.

As well as the topic of the post, it is also important to be aware of the language, length, purpose and structure of the post. Wrong language can make it difficult to understand the information you are trying to convey.

The length of the post is related to the depth of the subject, its ability to summarize the subject and some SEO rules (posts must be at least 600 words, but Google has been paying special attention to blogs with posts of more than 1000 words ).

The structure of the post is totally related to good writing policies on the internet, which are scaneability, clarity and observation of SEO rules (which will not be covered here, or this post would become huge). As you can see, knowing what to write about and how to put ideas in the text editor are fundamental parts of the process, but they are not the only ones.

Another aspect that cannot be ignored is the research, which needs to be done with care and discretion, since reproducing fake news or biased information simply by being in your research and you simply consider it “true” will make your post bad, and in some cases even criminal. Care and criterion in the research.

Finally, it's important that you proofread and add other media to your blog post like podcasts, look for great stock videos, and further spice up your content using great free stock images, they enrich the content and value their positioning in search engines. Not to mention that this will only help to improve and increase the visibility of your site on Google, which is excellent.

When writing blog content, don't make these mistakes:

There are mistakes that are even more serious, some of them can be committed unconsciously, but cases of bad faith are more common, don't make these mistakes and your content will already be above the average of your competitors, they are:


Plagiarism brings several problems, in addition to being considered a crime and being destructive to any reputation. One good post it can be made from several references, including it is the most common way of dealing with more exact subjects, where the accuracy of the information is important, but in this sense it is essential to bring your interpretation and personal language to the post.

Possibly this is one of the most important tips of all topics, so always produce original texts. You can use plagiarism test tools like the CopySpider, copyscape among others, and thus guarantee original texts without plagiarism.

Keyword search:

An excellent tip but ignored by many that ends up being a mistake is to carry out a good keyword research. After all, what's the use of writing about a subject that no one is researching, so you'll only waste time.

Use tools to find the most searched keywords in your niche, and never forget the user's search intent, which is essential nowadays. Know what your potential readers are really looking for.

A tip is to find long-tail keywords to write relevant content, they may even have a lower volume of searches, but they have the power to generate traffic to your blog faster. Because they are a little less competitive than words with short tails. You can use the free tool Ubersuggest for that task.

Lying information, especially offensive information about people:

Another detestable and criminal attitude, it is fundamental, whenever possible, to have the authorization to talk about a person or to post a picture of them (we will talk about this better below), since there is always the chance that you will be criminally responsible for defamation, slander and insult, if you write something untrue and negative about the person.

Misleading titles:

A long time ago, the exaggerated title, which led you to click on the news or post, was considered an intelligent technique to captivate your customer. That time has passed, and nowadays the concept of clickbait or exaggerating the information in a blog post, or even making the reader believe that he will get something that is not possible or that is simply promised but not fulfilled, generates a feeling of disappointment. and deceiving the reader, which destroys any credibility he would have in your content.

Missing review:

Your content is ready and suited to the blog theme, purposeful and well-researched. Only you write a “essary” or an ?example?. Spelling and grammar errors are critical and take a lot of the shine out of any content.

Always avoid them, and correct them when they pass. you can use some online spell checker to assist you in this task. This is another very important tip and know that readers hate grammatical errors.

Deliver outdated information as if it were new:

Another serious problem, which destroys any chance of your blog having credibility, is putting data without dates, giving the false impression that they are current. Whenever you are going to inform data, give as many references as possible, and if necessary, cite the information with a link to its origin.

Describing opinions and conjectures as if they were facts:

This is a very common mistake, but it can become complicated depending on the subject and what is being said. Especially when we are talking about social situations or any type of issue where you may have negative repercussions for your opinion, it is important to make it clear that this is just your view on the matter. So when generating valuable content, never describe opinions that are already outdated as if they were news.

Exposure of people without your approval:

A continuation of one of the topics above, but leaving the question broad overall. When writing, be careful when using photos and images of people, as they need to have given you permission to do so, or you may be charged for using the image improperly and, eventually, even be sued for it. And of course you don't want that, do you? So be careful and so you will avoid headaches and future problems.


As you can see, there are many problems and difficulties that can make the content less effective, but if you take these precautions, you will definitely be able to write quality content for your blog easily. So, in order not to forget the tips, let’s quickly review them:

  • Avoid plagiarism, it is unacceptable;
  • Always perform a keyword search;
  • Never pass on false information;
  • Do not use misleading titles with the intention of attracting clicks;
  • Always proofread your text;
  • Never publish old information as if it were new;
  • Don't describe opinions and conjectures as if they were facts;
  • Never expose people without authorization.

And that's it, we hope we have helped with our tips, we hope you apply them in your texts and that you create more and more valuable content. Success in your texts?