Know what is Remarketing and Why Do It?


We don't know if this is your case, but we believe so, because you're looking to know what remarketing is, so it means only one thing. That your visitors and potential buyers are leaving your site without buying anything, and you need to take action.

Actions that involve retargeting strategies where you will have more opportunities to re-present your product or service, and finally convince the interested party to make the purchase once and for all.

So let's find out more about this interesting subject, how to correctly apply this very powerful strategy in the right way, start selling more on the internet, and make much more profit. And discover the best platforms for this technique and for your online business.

remarketing o que e
Remarketing (Google image)

What are remarketing ads?

Remarketing or retargeting as it is also known, is a form of marketing that uses differentiated advertising for those visitors and potential customers who have already visited your website but have not made a purchase.

Let's assume that someone visits your site, chooses the product they want and makes the purchase, this in a totally real scenario. But unfortunately this does not happen all the time, as statistics confirm that only 2% of all visitors carry out the purchase on the first visit.

And that's why an efficient way is needed to bring people who didn't buy at first, to come back to the site and make the purchase definitely.

 This powerful technique is then known as remarketing, it is where you have the opportunity to show your products or services again to people who have passed through your site. And finally win them back, making them buy a second opportunity.

So for you to start doing it, you will need to install a code on your website that is usually nothing more than a JavaScript code, and this code will record all the actions taken by visitors, transforming it into data and information. These codes provided by platforms that we will see later.

That way no matter where they go on the internet, you can chase them down by showing them your ads again. It is very likely that you yourself have come across this countless times without knowing that you were involved in a remarketing campaign.

In this case, the more times people see the advertisements and retargeting advertisements, the greater the chance of converting people who come back to the site and buy.

In short, it works by collecting data from all over the traffic (visits) that pass through your website. So keep in mind right away that you can only start a remarketing ad campaign after installing it and starting to collect data and information from the site.

It will certainly help your business to improve its brand, and consecutively it will also motivate your audience to return to your website or virtual store and buy.

It is quite simple to understand what remarketing is, suppose you visit the Mercado Livre website, click on a product, go to checkout but do not complete the purchase. It is very likely that when you visit another site right away you will see the ad for the product you did not buy.

So using ads and retargeting strategies, you can customize your advertising by inserting discounts, and also place an attractive CTA (call to action) button inviting the person to click.

The code installed on your site is completely invisible to all visitors, and this deserves attention. Because your website must be duly within the laws:

  • General Data Protection Law – Lgpds (in all of Brazil);
  • General Data Protection Regime – Gdpr (across the European Union).

And making your site compliant is very simple, just update your Privacy Policy page to clearly show all your users and visitors how they can take simple actions to not see these advertisements again.

Types of remarketing:

The fundamental principle is always the same, however they are divided into two types, which are:

  1. pixel;
  2. List.


So, as the name suggests, pixel-based remarketing is one that uses a tracking pixel, or else a pixel tag in order to be able to identify all the behavior of visitors while they browse your website. Know that this is the most common model of all.

By installing this pixel (tracking code) on your website, it will then start saving cookies in the browsers of all your visitors, and thus load it when visitors access other web pages, or use applications on mobile devices.

This retargeting ad format is ideal for prospects who have an immediate need, such as booking a hotel room on a predetermined date.


The list-based strategy, on the other hand, uses a list of visitors (personalized audience - target), whose data has already been collected previously, such as email addresses that we use in our services such as Google, Facebook, among others.

When using this retargeting strategy, it is necessary to define rules to create a good list of prospects. Always include users who abandon your website even before making a payment.

Our tip is for you not to use this remarketing model for those visitors who have an immediate need, as in this format your advertising may not reach them in time.

Ads and Remarketing Platforms:

Now that you know what it is, what are its types and the power it has to help your business, get to know the best platforms for remarketing campaigns based on their features, they are:

Google Ads:

Talking about retargeting and not mentioning the Google Ads it would be the same thing as not talking, know that it is among the best remarketing platforms. Just create your account and then create an ad to advertise your products or services.

Creating Ads on Google, you can show your advertising on any Google product. It can be searches in the search engine, YouTube, Google Maps, among others. Because everything will depend on the type of your campaign.

On Google Ads, you can customize your campaigns to connect with the right audience based on their location, their devices, and even the time zone.


If you are looking for technology for your campaigns, then the platform retargeter it was made for you. It promises to achieve a ROI (Return on Investment) of 57% from the CTR rate (Click-Through Rate).

They provide 3 options for you to choose from, which are: CRM, Website and Search Remarketing. Everything will depend on what you need in your online campaign.

They also offer a very interesting feature which is Dynamic Creative Optimisation. Which allows you to choose the most relevant advertisements for a specific user at any time.

This platform does not provide free trial periods, and here you will also need a professional email, as free email accounts are not accepted by them.

Perfect Audience:

O Perfect Audience is also on our list because it is also an excellent platform for you to carry out your remarketing campaigns on the internet.

The platform offers its users a free trial period of 14 days, allowing you to start a campaign if you already have a little more than 250 visits per week. But be aware that if you spend more than $$100 of the campaign budget, the 14-day trial period will be interrupted.

So, if you want to continue using the platform to do your retargeting, you will need to adjust your weekly budget, which here at Perfect Audience is weekly and prepaid.

In this way, you will be able to take advantage of many more features, such as the conversion tracker and also the revenue tracker. Not to mention the data and analytics information, and targeting different types of devices. This is a great platform where large companies already use it, and which offers multiple channels for your remarketing, from websites to Twitter and Facebook.


O Facebook in addition to being one of the largest social networks in the world, its ad platform offers its users excellent ways for you to promote your products and run efficient remarketing campaigns.

Know that creating ads on Facebook it's pretty easy, not to mention you'll have full control over your ads and campaigns. Like budget, location, audience, and more.

By using the Facebook pixel on your website, this social medium will allow you to much more effectively track and target your potential customers. Where it allows you to create a single advertisement, which in turn will be shown on all types of devices.

There are other media such as Instagram, Twitter, LinkeDin where you can also run ads and retargeting campaigns. But know that each platform has its features. And for that reason, always choose the one that best suits your type of business.

Are remarketing strategies efficient?

Remarketing ads are not as common as banner ads, which are more traditional. Where this more classic format of advertising on the internet can be seen practically everywhere.

So know right away that when visiting websites, social media platforms, blogs, it is very likely that you will see all kinds of advertisements such as: animations, banners, videos, links and more.

The great and main objective of more traditional ad campaigns is always to win as many customers as possible, always through clicks. This is what sets them apart from remarketing campaigns.

Both of these two formats are quite effective in increasing your sales, but retargeting has proven to be 70% much more effective. Even the click-through rate (CTR) is much higher. Simply because people are attracted to ads that are much more attractive.

Not to mention that visitors who are returning to the site through redirected advertising tend to add many more products to their cart. What will contribute to your conversion rate. Surely a good retargeting strategy will have a high impact on your business.


Now that you know what remarketing is, how it works, what types it is. So don't freak out too much when visitors leave your site without buying anything at all. Because now you know how to bring them back to your website, try to win them back and close the desired sale.

It doesn't matter if your retargeting will be list-based or pixel-based, the most important thing is that you apply this sales strategy to your business, as it has simply proven to be extremely efficient.

So, do a good planning, choose and test the platforms suggested here. Until next time and much success in your sales?