Websites for Designers to Find Inspiration and References


Looking for even more web design inspiration and references for the next website you're going to create? Or are you looking for inspiration to create projects for your clients? Then your search is over now, as we have prepared an incredible list of the best websites for designers.

In our brief content you will find many web design ideas, not to mention that you will also get to know the best websites of web designers. So, let's go there and find all the inspiration you're looking for in design?

sites para web designer
Websites For Designers (Google image)

What makes a really good web designer?

For a web design to be really good at what it does, it simply needs to provide an excellent browsing experience and usability for users and visitors.

There is no point in having a website with a super beautiful and attractive look, if the experience it passes on to the user is terrible. Nowadays a website has to be fully functional and responsive, regardless of the device it is being accessed from.

So now that you know what a good web designer needs to be really good, let's go to our list of the best websites for web designers to inspire you.


If you are looking for inspiration from beautiful and very intuitive templates, then the zyro is ideal for you to start your search. Here at Zyro you will find a lot of super modern and stylish web design ideas that are sure to make any website look simply amazing and very attractive. Which is what we want isn't it?

Browse through the tabs of the themes and demo designs that interest you the most, and if you find one you like, you can use it for free. This creator offers a very intuitive and easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface, allowing anyone, even without knowledge, to edit and customize it the way they prefer.

Zyro is a great place to source and get a lot more inspiration for your designer projects, such as:

  • Responsiveness: Regardless of which device the site is accessed from, Zyro's responsive design ensures that it looks good on any device. It could be a desktop, a notebook or a smartphone.
  • Diversity of themes: it doesn't matter if you want to create a personal blog or an online store, know that here you will find the theme you need so much.

Regardless of whether you are looking for designer websites or a builder, then know that Zyro will be able to meet all your needs.


If your search is for sites that present much more attractive and interesting models, then be sure to check out awwwards, because this excellent platform always shows the most beautiful of all. Not to mention that they are also the best in terms of development.

Their catalog of models will serve as inspiration and reference is quite large, and with incredible quality. And the cool thing is that these templates were hand-selected by top experts in web design.

Here at Awwwards, all projects are evaluated and then receive a grade based on their design, creativity, content and also usability. Which are extremely important things for users and visitors.

Then you can take everything you learn and simply apply it to your projects, incorporating the same elements into your designs. Check out what else Awwwards offers:

  • Filters: The platform's filter system allows you to find websites that have specific features, such as large background images and micro interactions.
  • Curated Collections: This is a very interesting and useful feature that allows you to find the best way to use some web design elements.
  • Information blog: find a lot of content on the official Awwwards blog always with the best practices and design trends.


O siteInspire It's a great place to get inspired and get more ideas, it has an incredible gallery with great designs, and features more than 7,000 sites in its digital portfolio. Finding web designer references here will not be a difficult task.

Get ready to find a bit of everything on the Inspire website gallery, such as news portals, children's pages and portfolios for photographers and digital artists.

The team responsible for the platform always gives priority to presenting simpler and more attractive designs, and tries to leave unnecessary and more complicated ideas out. It is very simple to navigate and has very useful features that will certainly help you, such as:

  • Registration on the site: register for free to be able to view your favorite design templates.
  • Filters: use the filter in your search to find what you want.
  • Creators Archive: Use this archive of many templates created by web developers as well as other designers.

And if you want to find lots of examples of real-life web designers, then siteInspire is for you.

Best Website Gallery:

Best Website Gallery started with a personal project by david hellmann, a great award-winning designer and self-taught developer, with 12 years of experience in web design.

And very quickly, its platform entered the list of the best sites for web designers for those looking for ideas and inspiration on the web. O Best Website Gallery offers over 200 pages where you can browse for beautiful designs using filters such as:

  • Screenshots captured in high resolution: if you want to save time, instead of visiting site by site, the Best Website Gallery gallery provides high quality images of pages on the internet.
  • Details: Find sites that have the same color, styles, framework, and even the same service.


We don't know if this is your case, but if it is, and you have a budget for it, then you can visit the theme market TemplateMonster. Did you know that theme marketplaces are great places for designers looking for references and inspiration?

Generally in this templates market, web developers always seek to follow the best web design practices when creating their products. This is for novice and inexperienced users to change a theme and use it.

TemplateMonster offers approximately 30,000 themes, all divided into categories for you to browse and find the inspiration you are looking for for your online projects. Not to mention its features, which are:

  • Online demo of themes: this is a tool that allows you to get ideas on how to make your content much better organized.
  • Detailed search filter: when browsing this designer website, then refine your search using the advanced filters and find amazing resources to get inspired.


We could not fail to mention in our list the GoodUI, because if you are looking for a way to improve your conversion rates and sell much more on the internet. So get to know it well as it also offers many features and functionalities such as:

  • Free web design ideas: Right on the GoodUI homepage you'll find a huge list, which in turn is full of ideas that you can try out on your own website right away.
  • UI Examples: Find many patterns you can implement in forms, shopping carts, cta buttons, landing pages and more.
  • Informative blog: Stay tuned to the GoodUI blog and find out how big companies like Netflix and others run and run A/B tests on their websites.

Our recommendation is that in order for you to get the most out of GoodUI, then become a paid member, and that way you will have access to many user experience results.

CSS Nectar:

O CSS Nectar it is also part of our list because in its catalog you will be able to find excellent designs to be inspired and find many references, such as:

  • High quality website: CSS Nectar has a great team of evaluators, who in turn carry out a meticulous conference of all projects that are sent for approval. And be aware that they charge a small fee to evaluate your work before showing it.
  • Advanced filters: you just need to specify what you're looking for, insert the web design resources you want to find, the colors and that's it, you'll find loads of templates to inspire.

You can also sign up for their free contact list, so you'll always get updates on all the recent work being entered into CSS Nectar.


O behance it's actually a giant social network for designers and professionals alike freelancers, a great place for people to showcase their work. As well as being a great place to find creative web designer ideas. Here's why Behance is a good place to get inspiration:

  • Very organized filters: here at Behance, all you have to do is refine your search, always based on what you want to find, and many options for you to take references will be shown.
  • Web Designers Community: You can follow the best designers who create amazing work and connect with them. You will find many sensational designs.


O pinterest as you know it is not a website for web designers, and it is not a social network as many people imagine it to be. In fact it is a great search engine, but for images.

Here you will be able to find many ideas, tips and also many web design tutorials to inspire you. Here are some tips on how to find the best projects on Pinterest:

  • Ready-to-Buy Themes: If you need a really quick option, then you can find plenty of premium templates, and if you have a budget, you can buy them right away.
  • Create pinboards: Collect the best references from website designers, and try to follow other Pinterest users' public boards and pins. So you always get a notification when they add something new on Pinterest.
  • Keyword search: when performing a search, always try to be as objective and specific as possible when using the search bar. That way the results shown will be much better.

Extra checklist for a good website designer:

So, now that you've checked out our list for you to find references and get inspired, here's a brief checklist for you to pay attention to during the creation process.

Simple and clean design:

Simple and cleaner websites always have a much faster loading time, not to mention that they adapt much better to mobile devices.

So our tip is always to try to display only the most important elements, avoid leaving your page polluted and confusing for the visitor with completely unnecessary decorations. Which in the end will only take the user's attention away from the main content.

Also always try to leave blank spaces on your pages, thus ensuring that all the content that really matters is not too close. For the space for clarity is always important.

Prioritize mobile:

As you might have guessed, nowadays the vast majority of all traffic from the web are from mobile users, so never forget to design for mobile devices (laptop, tablets, smartphones). That's an okay priority.

If you don't have a mobile-focused design, positioning of your website in search engines will definitely suffer. Not to mention that with this you may suffer loss of sales among others.

For this reason, always try to choose a responsive template for the layout, where the pages will adapt very easily to any screen size and device.

Also choose a theme that has a layout that is already optimized for scrolling, which we both know is the best way to browse the internet. Especially on smaller devices.

Readable website:

According to surveys and studies carried out by the NNGroup, the vast majority of visitors only skim through the site's content, without even reading it. So, due to this user behavior you will need to adapt your design allowing users to quickly find what they are looking for.

A great way to achieve this is to improve its readability through the typographic hierarchy. Nothing more than organizing all your text based on its level of importance.

And to apply this to the content is very simple, pay attention to the main title, because there you must always insert the main keyword of the text. Like it was a big flashy advertisement.

Also use subtitles to divide the topics of your text, as this will certainly divide your content into topics, which in turn will make reading more organized and enjoyable for the visitor. In subtitles always try to use a smaller font size than the title.

Easy navigation:

Never forget about navigability, as visitors were able to find the information they were looking for much more easily. Be aware that good, well-suited navigation means that visitors end up discovering on their own which are exactly the buttons or links they need to click to get where they want on the site.

Consistent design:

Always try to maintain consistency in the design (layout), this is essential, as visitors do not like to see strange changes when moving from one page to another within the same site.

Another tip is to always pay close attention to the color palette, all pages must have the same colors. Dominant color and other secondary colors. The dominant color is nothing more than the color your brand is known for, and the secondary colors will complete the main color.

And another very important detail, use only 1 single theme, do not use 2 templates, this can make your visitors confused, not to mention the work of implementing 2 themes unnecessarily.


As you can see, with this list of websites for designers, it won't be that difficult for you to find inspiration, ideas and references for amazing designs. You will be able to use this knowledge to create projects for yourself and also for your clients, only now with much more quality, because now you know exactly where to look when you need inspiration.

So that's it, that's it for today, we hope this list has helped you, we'll stop here, until next time and success in your projects?